Born im Ländle
Based in MUC
Speaks 3 languages: German, English, and a lot of Bullshit.
Suche nette Leute und gerne auch Gesprächspartner mit abweichenden Meinungen
Nazis und #noAFD-Fanboys werden geblockt
DnD Charakter dude we are so fucked. We are heading to a dystopian cyberpunk fascist future, so we are fucking up the planet and we fuck ourselves that way the sound of a modem,
the triggers when you hear the Nokia Ringtone
the “lets make a company with good intensions and sell it to a big player who destroys everything what the company once stood for” attidude
The dread to be fired, becuase nothing even matters anymore tbh fredegar often deals a lot of damage with sneak attack and steady aim, so i would think he is more an assassin than a spy, if you know what i mean…but fighter is so….clichee…from a roleplaying perspective I think bard is the best iption as a noble halfling everything is gonna be alright doesnt describe the situation and they asked a specific question. Sooo