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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • We’ve tried training, we’ve tried internal affairs, we’ve tried civilian oversight boards - nothing works.

    If you want to fix broken policing, the answer is civil tort law:

    • mandatory personal malpractice insurance for each cop
    • abolish qualified immunity

    Let victims sue, and make insurance pay huge settlements.


    • cop salary will have to go up to cover basic insurance premiums. That’s ok - it’s good incentive for cities to find alternatives to cops, the way paramedics are an alternative to licensed doctors
    • after a few lawsuits, bad cops will have their premiums go up; that’s less take home pay for them, and that history will follow them if they try to change departments; really shitty cops will find they can’t afford to be cops and find new careers
    • insurance companies will get good at cop lawsuits like they are with medical lawsuits; there will be a lot of out of court settlements, and over time, insurance companies will know which departments and which policies lead to lawsuits, and set premiums accordingly

    This is how society turned barbers into surgeons; it’s not rocket science.

  • Well, those yield gains are from capitalism subsidized with government-sponsored ag research at hundreds of college campuses, and subsidized by intellectual property protections for patents and copyrights, and government price supports, and government crop insurance, and government land-bank programs to pay farmers to not overuse the land, and ag labor subsidized by special exemptions for minimum wage and citizenship verifications, as well as tight border controls and political vilification of the immigrant labor force to keep the wages low.

    But yeah, when society throws enough money into capitalism and soaks up the external costs, it sometimes delivers results.

    In short, modern US agriculture is hardly a good example of either unfettered markets or unfettered capitalism. Big US ag is privatized profits and socialized losses, like a lot of other US industry, albeit with much better PR than (for instance) the banking industry.

  • I honestly don’t think the man has a grand plan. I think he “officially” ran for president partly to step up donations, partly to throw a wrench in the inevitable prosecutions he was facing last fall, and partly just to do something random to stay in the press.

    Choking on a hamburder would solve a lot of problems, but I expect one of his creditors will buy off his kids to smother him with a pillow. Trump has done dirt with some shady people, and if Trump was facing jail time, God only knows what sort of embarrassing stories he might tell. I’ve been expecting Putin to send Trump a pallet of novichok Diet Coke for two years now.