It’s actually 40 something now. If you pull the UPS Teamsters National Agreement for 2018-2023 there’s cost of living language in there that put them over $40. So let’s call it $50, plus the $2.50 raise that was just negotiated is $52.50. $52.50x40=$2100.00 x 52 = $109,200. Factor in benefits if you’d like on top of that.
It’s nowhere near that. Their benefits are paid by the teamsters/dues. Their pay raises from their current top rate is here on page 41.
Life is too short. You have to be able to laugh at yourself.
Well, if you don’t care about comfort or safety go with the one on the right. I’d be curious to see how that KEI Truck holds up in a major collision with the average American SUV.
Gotta pay for all those new agents.
I just hooked up my PS2 the other weekend and played God of War without issue. Not sure why any of this is necessary, it worked just fine. My 10yr old beat the game in 3 days.
Your graphic design and grammar is shit.
With a little Sublime Directory sprinkled in.
I really like this, although quite depressing.