So you’re telling me it doesn’t cost twice as much to make and ship charcoal. It doesn’t cost three times as much to grow a head of lettuce? Those sneaky snooks who make house paint have some 'splaining to do too.
So you’re telling me it doesn’t cost twice as much to make and ship charcoal. It doesn’t cost three times as much to grow a head of lettuce? Those sneaky snooks who make house paint have some 'splaining to do too.
Goodbye for life oxygen thief.
You know, I almost looked first before making my throwaway comment. I thought to myself no way this isn’t a fool of a white boy. It’s not only a woman, it’s a black woman. I did not see that coming. I solemnly swear to be better in the future, because the world is unpredictable.
This man has an incurable case of malignant stupidity. The dealership where Malcolm X bought his first car was next on his arson targets list.
“Did your clients purchase shares with the express intent to create standing in a case such as this?”
“Of course not your honor”
“Did your clients do due diligence on their investment before purchasing their shares?”
“Yes your honor.”
“And during this due diligence, did they in fact find that the main component of the company’s business is the manufacture of firearms and had been so since 1852?”
“Yes your honor.”
“Have the sisters ever heard of Dirty Harry?”
“Your honor?”
Summary judgement for dismissal in 3…2…
Which is absurd when the right is to be silent.
It probably doesn’t help that god didn’t smite any of those assholes speaking in his name on Sunday and raping children (often of the same sex) the rest of the week. Tends to hurt attendance when the big boss doesn’t take charge where the rubber meets the road.
Funny you picked Yugoslavia where there was definitely an out and out genocide.
Sounds like a good place to house the immigrants Florida and Texas are sending to NYC.
Bring it. By the way, what was this POS doing working on the Sabbath? Straight to hell with this heathen.
Yep, that’s the one. Absolute hilarity! Let’s not pretend there hasn’t been plenty of dictator humor from the left also though. Unfortunately, supporting “leftist” ideals does not preclude your being a brutal “comedian”.
Ahh ha ha ha, ahh ha ha ha! Dictatorships are soooo freaking funny guys. Remember when the US backed Pinochet’s military junta in Chile? God that was hilarious. Super funny when they started disappearing people. And the torture, good times, good times.
The party of small government and personal responsibility ladies and gentlemen.
The details like how long Trump is going to spend in prison?
NPR just this morning was highlighting a study that suggests a regular sleep pattern is more important than the amount of sleep you get, (within reason, I think they mentioned 6 hours minimum to complete your sleep cycles.)
Considering the potential consequences of this idiocy, 6 months is less than a slap on the wrist.
I guess none, wanna watch this clip of a murder for hire I did?
🎶 You’re the best around🎶
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought this was America!”
🎶Nothing’s gonna ever keep you down🎶
At least till the last scene. “The Losing Edge”
Thank you Jeopardy, this went on much too long. Hopefully they’ll boot her from the Alexa version also. Her episodes felt absolutely clunky.