I doubt all of them are there for no reason. Keiko was a botanist, I’m sure other civilians onboard work with the crew as well. Maybe marrying someone in the fleet is a cheat code to get on a ship without having to join lol
I doubt all of them are there for no reason. Keiko was a botanist, I’m sure other civilians onboard work with the crew as well. Maybe marrying someone in the fleet is a cheat code to get on a ship without having to join lol
Is that the one you can like totally disassemble?
Hopefully there’s a federal government left to see the case
Glass straws seem like a good option. I’ve got some re-useable ones, but I bet recycling them would be feasible. We already do it for glass bottles
Yeah, the off brand is always cheaper
Denied access? I thought anybody was allowed in now!
Especially since gifs as article thumbnails are far from common. I’m surprised my client even supports that
Cropping a farside comic to poorly remove the signature is a new level of shitpost lol
I don’t know what app they’re from, but I’ve definitely been sent videos that are the way you described
“More classified documents were discovered missing from a the President’s Florida bathroom today…”
I’m sure it’s only a matter of time
I agree with the others saying start with TNG season 1. Just know, some of the episodes are rough. They took a little while to find their feet. Check episode ratings on review sites, if you want to avoid the bad ones.
I’ve recently started getting a friend into Trek myself. They’re more into DS9, because they’ve been seeing memes about the Bell Riots, so we’ve been taking it slow on the other series. We decided to do a Best Of for TNG to begin with. So far, we watched episodes 1 and 2, Encounter at Farpoint, as well as episode 12, Datalore. Then we skipped straight to season 2, and watched episodes 3, 8, 9, 16, and 21. We also watched episode 16, Samaritan Snare, but only because it’s relevant to Star Trek: Lower Decks lol
I think Encounter at Farpoint is important for that hopeful view of the future that OP is looking for. It establishes what the Federation is as a power in the Alpha Quadrant, and also gives a nice basic moral hurdle for them to overcome. Plus, seeing Q’s first appearance is kinda necessary imo
So, to run this, you would get Eyes Unclouded on DMs Guild, and then join the Patreon for the prep? Or is there a way to buy your prep a la carte?
That doesn’t mean it’s not still a real motivation
I’m not crazy! I could have sworn there were way less features than I’d read about lol
You did a great job! When I read “cow-detangler,” I was sure it was the real Onion. I love their dumb Interviewee names
I left them out of my comment, because I thought it might be too adult, but I think Christopher Paolini’s Fractalverse is about the same level as Long Way, so I’m going to recommend that as well! Pretty standard scifi plot (though I haven’t finished it yet, so maybe it gets shaken up in later books), but with some really interesting elements of transhumanism, like AR bio-implants, and giant genetically engineered brains for piloting FTL ships
Definitely check out Skyward and all the related books from Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patterson! I’m a big Sanderson fan, but I like Skyward especially, for it’s surprising depth, and unique setting
This isn’t a hill, it’s a sand dune. Climbing back up it means climbing up sand the entire time. It’s significantly more difficult than a hilly walk
They actually put this sign up because people had been getting stuck at the bottom, requiring rescue