• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Taking 89.3% men from your source at face value, and selecting 12 people at random, that gives a 12.2% chance (1 in 8) that the company of that size would be all male.
    Add in network effects, risk tolerance for startups, and the hiring practices of larger companies, and that number likely gets even larger.

    What’s the p-value for a news story? Unless this is some trend from other companies run by Musk, there doesn’t seem to be anything newsworthy here.

  • DALL-E was the first development which shocked me. AlphaGo was very impressive on a technical level, and much earlier than anticipated, but it didn’t feel different.
    GANs existed, but they never seemed to have the creativity, nor understanding of prompts, which was demonstrated by DALL-E. Of all things, the image of an avocado-themed chair is still baked into my mind. I remember being gobsmacked by the imagery, and when I’d recovered from that, just how “simple” the step from what we had before to DALL-E was.
    The other thing which surprised me was the step from image diffusion models to 3D and video. We certainly haven’t gotten anywhere near the quality in those domains yet, but they felt so far from the image domain that we’d need some major revolution in the way we approached the problem. The thing which surprised me the most was just how fast the transition from images to video happened.

  • I asked the same question of GPT3.5 and got the response “The former chancellor of Germany has the book.” And also: “The nurse has the book. In the scenario you described, the nurse is the one who grabs the book and gives it to the former chancellor of Germany.” and a bunch of other variations.

    Anyone doing these experiments who does not understand the concept of a “temperature” parameter for the model, and who is not controlling for that, is giving bad information.

    Either you can say: At 0 temperature, the model outputs XYZ. Or, you can say that at a certain temperature value, the model’s outputs follow some distribution (much harder to do).

    Yes, there’s a statistical bias in the training data that “nurses” are female. And at high temperatures, this prior is over-represented. I guess that’s useful to know for people just blindly using the free chat tool from openAI. But it doesn’t necessarily represent a problem with the model itself. And to say it “fails entirely” is just completely wrong.

  • It would literally be a non-issue if it were simply an advisory body as has been done in the past. The issue is that the supporters want to alter the constitution.

    The systematic oppression of indigenous Australians started around 1869 with the introduction of the “Aborigines Protection Act”, and indigenous Australians were only ceded the right to vote in 1962. So, it’s no surprise that we have issues currently, as people alive today were directly or indirectly affected by those policies (and others).

    In a thousand years time (hopefully a hundred years, if we’re lucky), these issues will no longer be present. But the constitution will still exist, and hopefully exist far into the future. So, why add wording to a long-lived document for problems which are so short-term? Especially when altering the constitution is not necessary to effect change?