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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • I don’t usually have political dreams, but a while back I had a dream some Nazi group was taking over the country. I decided the best way for me to help the resistance was to infiltrate the ranks of the group and gather intel… despite not even being a part of the resistance movement and my only knowledge of covert ops being from playing 2 Metal Gear games. I remember walking into their compound and seeing their runes and racist slogans everywhere, and the people there looked more like a biker gang than a paramilitary organization, strangely enough. I remember thinking to myself that I was in too deep, knowing they’d probably torture me to death if they found me out. I remember leaving and sharing my fears with some loved ones and then I woke up. Honestly, probably the most frightening dream I’ve had in a while.

    I also had a dream once where I was being chased by a giant hamburger that bit me in half when it caught up with me. Just goes to show the diversity of my dreams. 🙃