• 2 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 6th, 2023

  • It’s right that I should now stand aside as leader. What I said during the referendum campaign is I want my country back. What I’m saying today is I want my life back… I have never been, and I have never wanted to be, a career politician.

    Nigel Farage, MEP 1999 - 2020, Reform President 2021 - present, after resigning as UKIP leader

    He got exactly what he supposedly wanted with the Brexit referendum, and then fucked off to do TV and radio interviews. He’s not a serious leader, just a shit slinger who refuses to take the mantle and be left making hard decisions.

    Never mind that he’s bankrolled by Arron Banks, who seems to keep having meetings with Russian oligarchs and ambassadors for ‘business deals’, or that his trophy wife may be a spy.

  • I had a former workplace like that, it was beautiful 🥹

    We had a hot seat meeting where each department representative wasn’t even in the room until their individual staggered start time kicked in. One out, one in, cycling through each department until the meeting was over. They get to go back to their work and not be ‘meat’ in the room for fifteen minutes or more, we got focused reports from each as they filed in and out.

    Sometimes I miss working for Germans, but “alles in Ordnung” cuts both ways - good luck breaking through the bureaucracy reporting chain and getting quick results

  • Good info on her background, thank you! As a former Orange resident this is especially disappointing to read this story and how the mother and child were treated.

    Harris has since replaced her punitive stance with the message that parents of truant children need help, not scare tactics. It’s a shift that happened roughly in step with voters’ waning tolerance for using the criminal justice system to address complicated social problems and Harris’ own preparations to seek higher office.

    Emphasis mine

    She’s a cop, down to her core. She’s got the mentality that “I can fix social problems through the threat and use of coercive state violence”. That was her law, that she asked for, I assumed drafted/guided, and defended publicly… until she ran for the Oval Office, and was made to choose compassion.

  • Because ‘fixing’ immigration isn’t a thing we can honestly do, outside of these hard line closed border moves.

    Reagan borked it up with the war on drugs. Empowering gangs/militias/contras, causing pervasive and persistent violence that drives displacement of the locals in South America. Before then, the US experienced seasonal migration via a “porous border” - as it wasn’t really a challenge to cross, and enforcement was lax stateside of green cards/paperwork, there was significant seasonal migration that would cycle into the US, work hard and live cheap for a few months, and return to their families.

    Hardening the border and documentation requirements killed that “loopback”. Initially migrants shifted to immigration and would stay in the US as primary domicile, taking long trips back to their family. But with the growing violence in the south, it makes more sense to bring your family to the US.

    We absolutely need overhaul, but there’s so many fingers, voting groups, and special interests in this pie…