It’s a good option to have, imo. People will try to commit suicide, even without this.
They’ll fail and become a larger burden to society in a lot of cases. Or run up medical bills and exist miserably.
With this method, folks who are interested have to clear a hurdle beyond their own emotions and survival instincts.
If they’re committed to the act, this ensures a dignified end vs many terminal conditions.
Suffering near end of life can be horribly tortuous. The ability to end the suffering on your terms with dignity is a benefit to society and those suffering.
Do you feel hospice care is a bad thing? It’s one step removed from assisted suicide in many ways.
In hospice care they often give you enough drugs to end it quickly, and instruct the caregivers to NOT call emergency services.
We’re all going to die, at least we can make it somewhat civil.
Gotta question the optimism.
The Democrats, or any party for the matter, can be as ready to vote on something as they want.
The majority leader decides what makes it to the floor for a vote.
Can’t vote for bills that aren’t in front of you.