wasn’t the Si Cobas also involved? i think they stopped some shipments too
wasn’t the Si Cobas also involved? i think they stopped some shipments too
I had a similar history lol. I come from a family that was half partisans and half fascists during ww2. When i was a kid i used to ask my grandpa for scary bedtime stories - he would tell me stories about what the fascists did.
I grew up with the fascists=evil idea planted in my mind. All because of my family’s experience during the war
Also, i will not drop any names but let’s say that my family was close friends with a rather important member of the red brigades. Just to give a measure of how little choice i had in terms of ideology lmao
Nonostante non sia perfetto, penso si possa quantomeno fare un lavoro decente nel PCI. Se non altro perché l’italia abbraccia in pieno la gloriosa tradizione socialista di scindersi, quindi meglio coalescere nel PCI almeno secondo me
Italian trade unions, giving us a glimpse of the based potential italy has since 1900
The hoi4 community is absolute cancer, but the game is fine imo. It’s enjoyable in a healthy way, but the moment you start considering yourself a “hoi4 player” it’s over, much like for people who identify as “redditors”.
when it comes to mods, it can be fun if you don’t take it seriously. Yeah, most people who make these are completely politically and historically illiterate (communist mussolini because he was a socialist for like 15 minutes goes brrrr), but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a fun playthrough.
Yeah, the TL;DR is that the game and its mods are nice. Just don’t approach it thinking it is anything more than a game.