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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023

  • I’m European and I have mixed feelings about the US.

    There are some great sceneries, nice peoples and my accent does wonders there. I like its smaller towns and countryside.

    But at the same I hate its cities. You can see the most widen gap between poverty and absurdly rich peoples in the same street. You can have a wonderful avenue and once in the back alley it looks like third world. I’ve never seen that many weird people than in the us. There’s too much violence and capitalism. And don’t get me on the fucking tipping culture.

  • That’s an idea, thanks.

    I don’t have sober supports, I only knew that I will never achieve my entrepreneurial dream if I kept drinking. I also made a pact that my money will not touch alcohol.

    And since last night I was thinking “well, maybe except for this Thursday evening 🤷🏻‍♂️”

    But I was busy cleaning an old fridge since this morning and delayed going to the shop until I had at least finish the cleaning and assess later. Which is done now and I’m more tired than thinking about going to the store.

  • Je me suis forcé à regarder, étant bi-national.

    En gros les bi-nationaux ne pourront pas accéder à des “emplois sensibles”. C’est quoi un emploi sensible je ne sais pas.

    Bon après c’est déjà un peu le cas dans la diplomatie (et pas que en France), un bi-national n’a pas accès à certains postes ou certains grades dans l’armée, mais c’est assez rare et pour des trucs vraiment exclusifs genre “directeur de la DGAC”.

    Maintenant il faut voir la définition du RN pour bi-national… Probablement un truc du genre :

    • Moi, Franco-Suisse, caucasien, catho, né et éduqué en Suisse et n’ayant jamais travaillé ni rien payé en France = OK
    • Mon ex, Franco-Marocaine, arabe, musulmane, née et éduquée en France avec des années d’expériences, d’impots etc en France = NON retourne chez toi !

  • I am not sure what you’re working on but from your answers I’ve read you seems to need access to a lot of information with a few keystrokes, like searching for a keyword or tag.

    In my opinion you are using the wrong tool for that. Ditch the browser and learn about the Zettelkasten way of working. It is really powerful for plenty of applications like science, studies, dev, or even the way I use it, author repository of ideas/concepts/stuff I need when writing a book.

    You can do that with several software but I like obsidian for that (and because of all its plugins you could probably find something to automatically copy webpage content)

    On the downside side :

    • You’ll have to learn Zettelkasten, Obsidian etc
    • Obviously do the work of writing (or copy pasting) your vault.

    But on the plus size :

    • You’ll have all the information you need at your fingertips, searchable with keywords, tags, associations etc.
    • Everything is basic text MD files so it will still be readable by any text editor or terminal in the next century.
    • You can have images, run code, do some mathlib, jupyter etc inside.
    • Text is light, easy to store, backup and retrieve.
    • If you do good enough you can have a satisfying visual representation of your new brain, kinda mindmap (which is also possible)

  • Skunk@jlai.lutoGames@lemmy.worldGrayzone Warfare?
    13 days ago

    I play it since launch and it is not laggy (if it becomes laggy just change server). It had some connection problems at first but nothing too bad, you just had to retry once or twice.

    The major problems players complained were not enough helicopters spawn use to “fast travel” around the map (leading to queues of people waiting for an airlift or just walking to destination) and some AI having god sight and shooting you in bushes.

    There’s been several updates and the roadmap is public.

    I enjoy the game but I play very slowly, I still haven’t unlocked everything. The missions are nice, I like walking in the nature to enjoy the scenery and snipe people.

    I like that it is PVE or PVPVE. Other players are usually helpful and talks on the proximity chat (at least on pve) so you can be a lone wolf and participate in a more difficult assault with randoms passing by.

    I’d say look at some YouTube reviews but be aware, some of those players finished the game in 48 hours and are complaining that they have nothing left to do (duh) so they want updates (which are coming).

    If I hadn’t already I would definitely buy the game, maybe not on full price.

  • 45km/h e-scooter ?? Those things with tiny wheels where you stand on a small platform ?

    They must have a death wish for that. 45km/h on a bicycle (electric or road bike) is already a bit too fast in most situations.

    Between 35 and 38km/h is my perfect spot for riding in cities and is the usual speed on flat of a good road bike (not rode by a professional, those guys are crazy fast).

    I think there is a Northern Europe country (ofc it’s Northern Europe…) where the limit isn’t 25 and 45 but 38.

    If we had one unique class at 38km/h the world would be a better place.

  • Today is my 41th birthday. I’ve stopped drinking for almost 6 months thanks to the book “this naked mind” but I used my divorce to drink again.

    When I’ve received the official court papers stating that it was finished in January this year, I took it hard and used it as an excuse to drink again.

    Since then it has been a shit show. A show that I want to definitely end tonight. A show that I will end tonight.

    So today is my goodbye alcohol day. On my birthday I’m getting sick for the last time. My last day of abuse. Tonight I will probably puke, I will feel bad about myself, but don’t worry I will come home safe and start a new life after that.

    I’ll post tomorrow for day one.