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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2024


  • Spatzen sind sowieso die Aggros unter den Singvögeln. Hab vor ein paar Wochen wieder mit Füttern angefangen. Die Meisen und Finken nehmen sich immer höflich ein Korn und fliegen dann auf einen Ast, um es zu snacken. Die Spatzen bleiben an der Futterstelle, bis sie von einem anderen Spatzen weggeschubst werden. Manchmal fliegen auch zwei scheinbar grundlos aufeinander zu und hauen sich mit ihren Krallen. Bisschen wie unsere letzte Firmen-Weihnachtsfeier mit Buffet.

  • Yeah, I do. I’m really lazy and need some pressure to get going. It also gives me this nice kind of thrill and clarity. I also really enjoyed doing exams and tests in school and at uni.

    That being said, I don’t think I could deal with a constant pressure. Every now and then is nice to get this thrill and to get validation when doing well. But under constant pressure I would burn out quicker than a barn doused in gasoline.

  • From the line “Never gonna run around and desert you” we can gather that when a relationship came to an end, the person ending the relationship would run around frantically and burn all possessions of their former partner, thus turning their property into a desert, or “deserting” them.

  • Interesting question. Are we talking about the volume or the floor area? For volume maybe a church? Then St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City would be the largest. I don’t know the layout though, but I assume a large portion of it is the main “room”.

    Or do stadium with a roof count? Then maybe one of these?

    Edit: I don’t think I really thought this through. I was thinking too much of more roomy rooms. Most convention centers probably have larger exhibition halls.