• 5 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2020

  • Regardless I don’t see the point of inviting discord between communists, MLs especially, when we should be promoting understanding and coexistence. Dengoid remains an insult and will just shut people off.

    I quote Marx here: “Our task is that of ruthless criticism, and much more against ostensible friends than against open enemies; and in maintaining this our position we gladly forego cheap democratic popularity.” http://hiaw.org/defcon6/works/1850/04/kinkel.html

    But he’s made his allegiance clear. His brand of “patriotic socialism” that Maupin also espouses (who met with the founder of nazbol ideology several times) appeals to the far-right, compromising the essence of marxism to placate fascists but here he made it clear he has no compassion at all for communists who don’t follow him as, in his opinion, they are not actual communists.

    This attempted character assassination would work except I’m already familiar with the people and movements you mentioned. You mean Dugin? Dugin is worth reading to understand conservative resistance to imperialism. What’s more “NazBol ideology” when you really look into it is basically Social-democrats that have pinched a few ideas from Lenin and tried to incorporate nationalism. It essentially was born out of the 1990s and the sheer confusion of the time. In reality you can fit every single NazBol on earth in one room. They quickly dissolved into the “Other Russia” party showing they were a product of 1990s Russia and that “NazBol ideology” is just another slander against Marxist-Leninists now that communist has become cool.

    Just an FYI on this: Black Lenin (Beness Aijo) was in the NazBol party when he was in Russia then joining some other communist parties and he participated in many brave and heroic actions in recent years.

    Beness Aijo, an actual “nazbol”, has been out killing nazis in Ukraine.


    appeals to the far-right, compromising the essence of marxism to placate fascists but here he made it clear he has no compassion at all for communists who don’t follow him as, in his opinion, they are not actual communists.

    Do you have compassion for anarchists or trotskyites? But back on topic Haz is not stopping other people doing stuff. He’s criticising them. Bayarea was actively suppressing other communists

    I only read the preface because, wow, imagine writing a book over a twitter fight that lasted one evening. But he’s made his allegiance clear.

    I’ll have a read of the article he wrote, thanks

  • Yes

    How could anyone support Deng with a straight face?

    Deng was responsible for repressing Jiang Qing and her 3 closest comrades then waged a relentless propaganda campaign against them. Even broadcasting their trial on live TV!

    The only good thing Deng did was roll tanks over the counter-revolutionaries at Tienanmen.

    But even on that point, Jiang Qing was correct in asserting “Deng Xiaoping let in all those Westerns ideas”.

    don’t support the direction the CPC has been heading towards after Deng?

    Dengoids like to pretend that Deng was playing 5d chess and was upholding socialism.

    All he did was align China with the USA against the Soviet Union and force the Chinese people into embittered wage slavery in the service of Western multinational corporations.

    Corruption was so bad before Xi Jinping came to power that you could kill a person in China and get off scot free for $5000. That was the wonderful paradise Deng created the price of murder dictated by the “socialist market” being $5000

    **That being said **I fully support Chinas rise whether Socialist or capitalist at this juncture in history. But if Deng had not defeated then propagandised against the MLs in CPC - Chinas development would’ve been more balanced and the West would never have entered into their “end of history” phase. Instead they would be wracked with social upheaval at not being able to access cheap Chinese goods to offset declining living standards, China wouldn’t have become so polluted and it’s overall economic development would’ve been better.

    Full opinion is in this book. I am currently scanning it so might be able to link a pdf

  • But I suspect from your usage of the word “dengoid” (do I have to point out the racist roots?) that you’re not doing this in good faith.

    Shouldve looked at my name before pulling that card. This is why most of the US hates western leftists. It’s disingenuous and conniving behaviour.

    “all of you defending luna will come begging for forgiveness and I will not give any”?

    I literally have no idea what this is referring to. I’ve seen some videos of Haz but I don’t particularly care for youtube culture nor do I want to be involved in the soap operas of it. I would have to know the context in which this was said.

    Would rather appeal to the far-right than other communists, where have I seen that before? 🤔

    You just straight up ignored the fact he suppressed and deplatformed other communists of subs he modded. Haz says he wants to appeal to far rightoids. Who cares? Haz wasn’t stopping BayArea from having any mention of his name enter his sub or trying to cancel him.

    To be fair though I have no idea who bayarea was appealing to besides Sakai’ists. His own ego and patreon account I imagine…

    I’ve no idea to make this judgement (RE: appealing to far right or the “left” in USA as I’m not from there) but I know I would rather appeal to far right than most of the Left and even those who call themselves communist in my country. Far right usually have just gone down conspiracy culture. Linking that to capital and capitalists is not very hard.

    I will tell you now though I prefer appealing to far right over a corporate lawyer and Sakai’ist that claimed he was “POC” and “Latin” whilst not even speaking Spanish

    Also it is my firm belief that the rightists will balkanise USA in the next ten years. There is a good chance the rightists and trump supporters (that will balkanise the USA) can switch sides during that time and make the impending revolution/balkanisation a socialist one.

    The current US left is not capable of anything. (Just my opinion but I can see why he would appeal to rightoids)

  • What planet do you live on? Virtually everyone who is not a communist already associates us with terrorists. Until we begin to consistently meet people’s material needs, that is not going to change.

    Literally not true. I learned this the very first day I was out leafletting and chatting to people and an old lady approvingly said “it’s good to see communists out again”.

    The dude was protecting his identity, and

    Why even do youtube videos though. He’s a lawyer. He’s an intelligent person. He knew he’d get doxxed eventually anyway. There’s programs that can reverse engineer his darthvader voice thing he was using in seconds (obtaining his real voice). He must’ve known this. If he really wanted to hide his identity why even come out on camera?

    The answer is: ego.

    He got doxxed eventually and it was all the more funny that he was a lawyer evicting families and businesses from their homes

    for his virtually entirely positive contributions to our movement.

    Yes the positive contributions being telling proles that “markets actually are the proles friends”, that China has perfected Marxism and that actually being a communist is dressing like a terrorist because building a revolutionary movement isn’t painstaking community work but setting up a protracted peoples war on an American highway.

    I applaud him for his virtually entirely positive contributions to our movement.

    He suppressed communist parties on the subs he mods who don’t toll the IdPol line as well as other communists like Maupin and InfraRed.

    And whilst those 2 are dengoids also: at least they’re far more intelligent than he was, look like respectable normal people instead of terrorists and those 2 don’t go around wrecking communist parties and deplatforming communists doing actual decent work.

  • I once had a long conversation with an “anarcho bolshevik” on twitter who had made disparaging comments to me about the Soviets because they “signed a pact with Hitler”.

    When I pointed out the Soviets were the last European country to sign a pact with Hitler, that they had worked tirelessly since 1933 to build an anti-nazi pact which was scuppered by Uk and France (who helped the fascists take over Spain in the spanish civil war whilst only Mexico and Soviets came to defence of the Republican government).

    When I pointed out that Chamberlain wasn’t merely an “appeaser” as British propaganda has tried to put him as but an active collaborator, especially with the Munich pact a year before the Molotov Ribbentrop pact. Where Chamberlain and the British foreign policy went into overdrive to ensure that the French would not initiate the defence pact that the Soviets and French had signed to protect Czechoslovakia. (the Czech president, understanding that if only the Soviets came to their defence it would likely turn into an all out “anticommunist war” had demanded that the Soviets could only come to their defence if France came first.

    I even pointed out until April 1940 the British were running spy planes into USSR looking for targets to bomb during the “phoney war” period".

    I pointed all this out and the “anarcho bolshevik” finally said “you still shouldn’t sign a pact with Hitler”.

    Faced with this utter removedation I had an almost epiphany in exactly how idealism and a lot of the left sees itself. Their ideology is this untouched beautiful thing untainted by actual reality.

    And because they never intend to actually build or take power and instead remain a lone beautiful voice against the harsh wind of reality they can essentially build whatever castle they like in the sky.

    The opportunism of the likes of Jason Unrue and the rest of the Western Left (if this is what you’re referring to the video of Haz discussing with Jason) revealed itself so totally and completely in that discussion and shown 3rd worldism for the bankrupt opportunist and ultra left ideology that it is/

    When Haz posits to Jason exactly how he intends to come to power Jason starts mumbling about “climate change will probably wipe us out” (nevermind that the most influential climate change book The Limits to Growth was funded by David Rockefeller and the neo-malthusian society likely as a psyop against society that “doom is coming” to prevent optimism or revolutionary ideology becoming popular )

    There is no decolonisation. Colonialism happened and left it’s scars on the world. Are the burgers going to send all their whites back to Europe? (fuck right off we don’t want them)

    The Soviets were patriotic for their country (as they should be)


    And likewise Marxist-Leninists must be patriotic for their countries and pick the kernels of patriots that can represent the new socialist society (I don’t really care what Burgers pick nor would I know as I’m not a Burger or in Burgerstan). USA has lots of working class history socialists should champion and push forward as patriotic.

    Ceding the ground on patriotism to the right is, tactically, amazingly stupid.

    But a lot of this is ultra left whining from idealists that have zero intention of actually taking power in Burgerstan

    Real communists understand that communism (and by extension communists) being built, in this world not imagined ones, is not a beautiful thing.

    Sometimes communists must take slaps in the face and sit there and take it. (Much like Lenin did in Brest-Litvosk in signing one of the most humilitating treaties in history or Stalin did by signing Molotov-Ribbentrop).

    De-colonialism and sending white Burgers back to Europe is not happening in a million years. That is the slap Americans need to take in the face then they need to go out and present the best elements of the American working class and communist movement and turn them into American patriots and banners to signal socialist revolution in USA.

  • the below comment is on Moonofalabamas page on this article. In my opinion USA has already morphed into a fascist nation.Somewhere between Bush and Trump https://www.moonofalabama.org/2021/05/roman-protasevich-arrested-in-belarus-is-a-western-government-financed-neo-nazi.html

    Food for thought (hypothesis for debate):

    Since it is clear the American Empire is behind this, it’s time for us to start to delineate a general analysis on the metamorphosis of the Empire after decades of Unconventional Warfare (UW). From Latin America to HK, everything must be connected.

    The American elections of 2016 and 2020 consolidated a huge tectonic shift in the domestic affairs of the Empire: the State of Florida became a permanent red state, i.e. a GOP stronghold (“safe seat”, in British terminology). It was a “purple state” before.

    The reason Florida became a red state is clear enough: decades of influx of far-right (anti-communist) Latin American political refugees shifted the Floridan political consensus. They’re all compradores, lumpen-mercenaries (banditry, drug traffickers, other illiterate cannon fodder who managed to survive and reach American soil etc.), mercenaries (professional, renegade ex-soldiers or at least CIA-trained), compradores (including here also high-patent generals from failed coups) and ex-planters (e.g. from Fulgencio Batista-era Cuba).

    The same thing happens with Germans (nazis), Ukrainians (nazis and neonazis), Russians (Jews, Mensheviks and “whites”), Chinese (Kaishekists and pro-British liberal Hongkongers), Vietnamese (“South Vietnam”) etc. etc.

    There’s one aspect that unite all of these adventures: they all involved anti-communist elements. Whatever the degree of sophistication or regional particularities, anti-communism is the material base, the red line of the American Empire. This is a situation where Gramsci once described as the old dying (capitalism) but the new not being able to be born (socialism). The USA is modern-era Kronos (Κρόνoς), eating His children so he can keep Himself as the king of the gods (titans).

    However, there’s a “side effect” to this: as the rest of the world started to resist and strike back, the American Empire had to resort more and more to what it calls Unconventional Warfare to keep its influence overseas. This intensified, rather than diminished, the number of political refugees with influence both in the American territory (green card in exchange for their services; mass political immigration to mainland America) and in Washington D.C., the capital of the American Empire, where all the important decisions on foreign policy are made.

    As a result of this geopolitical conjecture, the USA has slowly but inexorably metamorphosed into a fascist nation. The American political machine has given form and structure - maybe unconsciously - to what is in fact a Fascist International, the fascist version of the Third International. Of course, what the communist could do openly the fascists can only do undercover, but structurally one is the analogous (in opposite poles) of the other. The USA already was the Capitalist International since the end of WWII, but it now has degenerated into the Fascist International.

    This has a lot of complex implications that don’t fit here. I’ll just throw here this: the long-term cultural and ideological implications for the American empire are immense. The American Empire is mutating - from the land of the liberal-individualist European immigrants searching for work and enterprise of the 1890s-1960s to the land of the swindlers, fascists, rabid ideologues, political opportunists, parasitic, lazy anti-communist Latin American, Chinese & SE Asians and Eastern European political-mercenary immigrants.

    Posted by: vk | May 26 2021 17:58 utc | 4

  • Literally every org has problematic leadership.

    This demand for pure perfection is ridiculous amongst some comrades that are turned off organisations due to whatever problematic feature is in them.

    “We are not utopians, we do not “dream” of dispensing at once with all administration, with all subordination. These anarchist dreams, based upon incomprehension of the tasks of the proletarian dictatorship, are totally alien to Marxism, and, as a matter of fact, serve only to postpone the socialist revolution until people are different. No, we want the socialist revolution with people as they are now, with people who cannot dispense with subordination, control, and “foremen and accountants”.” ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, The State and Revolution

    These deficiencies could be corrected if enough decent comrades joined and became active.