sometimes I talk about video games. RIP

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I use the false cord technique to do metal vocals (vocal fry was harder to learn and didn’t click with me), I basically just watched different YouTube tutorials on how to do it until I watched one by Kardavox Academy on YouTube and he likened the feeling of engaging the false cords to sighing exasperatedly, and also going “ruff” very lowly like a dog.

    This explanation alone is terrible, but understanding what he meant and mimicing those sounds allowed me to understand what it feels like when I engage the false cords and now I have enough control to engage or disengage it on a word by word basis or slide into it from a clean voice. It’s definitely as people say, with the right technique it won’t hurt, it can be tough on your voice even when done correctly, but you should never have to stop and cough, that’s when you’re really doing it wrong.

  • Playing on easy doesn’t mean you don’t want to play. Or at least, that’s not my personal experience when I put games on easy, which is not always.

    I’ll throw out two examples. Age of Empires 2. I suck ass at real time strategy, so I put the bots on easiest. What this gives me is the experience and feeling of building up my faction, gathering resources, making upgrades, feeling later like those upgrades were smart (which I wouldn’t get on harder difficulties as my actual poor choices would backfire and punish me), and then I get to conquer my enemies with my large army.

    I still got to build something up from nothing, create a satisfying army, utilize what I made to conquer. I got something out of it that I wouldn’t have if I played on normal. I would’ve struggled and likely lost. I might’ve just as likely actually risen above the challenge and came away with a more satisfying, but hard fought win, but I have challenging and hard fought wins at work every day. I don’t need that in a genre I’m only a tourist in at home. I have Monster Hunter for that.

    I put Gundam Breaker 4 on easy, the combat is satisfying on a surface level, but too precise and finicky as the challenge rises. I enjoy the combat still, on a smaller scale, but I moreso enjoy acquiring gear and making a Gundam that looks a certain way. The things I enjoy more about the game are facilitated by easier combat, I can get to those parts more easily, but still enjoy the combat.

  • I can understand that. Just as well, I don’t believe you deserved to be banned, strictly for that exchange of comments. You guys weren’t being nice to each other, for certain, but in the realm of people being mean to each other on the internet that was about a 3 or 4 out of a possible 10 in intensity.

    In the future just ask yourself if something you posted could make someone else upset, particularly someone invested or related to something you’re talking about negatively or are dismissing. I think it should be okay to express that, but understand that it may hurt some feelings, and people may become upset with you. Don’t give it back to them and sink to that level.

  • As self-appointed arbiter of the truth, I don’t think OP was trolling. I think OP responded negatively to a wholesome post, and even though their position is justified, that’s going to receive a backlash of some size.

    At that point the fatal mistake was trying to respond to the backlash, because the people responding to OP were definitely being condescending internet arguers, so…

    In the end, partial responsibility to OP for being negative on a wholesome post, regardless of justification, then partial responsibility to the repliers for being tactless about it, then after that it becomes everyone’s fault as they roll around in the mud together.

  • I couldn’t take this post seriously with how much subjective opinion is stated as fact. Fallout 4 is one of my favorite games, but that doesn’t mean I’m blind to its faults and shortcomings. That being said, I can’t read something that’s claiming extremely broad negative things like Fallout 76 is still “broken” and only lives because of MTX" without acknowledging “why people are playing this and microtransacting if the game is broken and irredeemable?” And without defining what is broken and what is not.

    I think Starfield was a wake up call for Bethesda. They need to heed it and keep up with the times, get back in touch with the simulational and unique things that they were known for and can still carve a niche out of, and not rest on their laurels as the rest of the gaming landscape innovates around them.

    As soon as the unique and interesting mechanics and systems have been eclipsed by Bethesda’s failure to make an exceedingly polished and innovative game, people stop justifying the jank and the public opinion falls off. Starfield is their last sign to turn the ship around.