I started playing GTA V with a controller, but was really confused how difficult the boat trailer chasing mission was. After almost 1 hour, I switched to KBM and finished it first try.
I still prefer controllers for most games.
I started playing GTA V with a controller, but was really confused how difficult the boat trailer chasing mission was. After almost 1 hour, I switched to KBM and finished it first try.
I still prefer controllers for most games.
Pikuniku is a brilliant little puzzle adventure game, too. I don’t know exactly when it was available for free in the Epic store.
Still works for me without any issues
Enjoying games is so difficult because of this. I love open world games that let you do everything, but it’s so hard focusing.
I want to finish all side quests first, but I’m forced to do parts of the main quest at some point to progress. Then I’m sad when it’s already over just when I thought I’m ready to start.
And when I try to focus only on the main quest, I don’t enjoy the game that much anymore after finishing because it feels unnecessary and boring.
I still somehow managed to play all 6 Assassin’s Creed games up to Black Flag + Origins 100% through sheer willpower.
Die meisten Autos wären dann so teuer, ja. Dem widerspreche ich auch gar nicht.
Meine Aussage bezog sich auf den ersten Kommentar, wo jemand nach einem günstigen Auto sucht. Bei einem Median von bspw. 40k€ wüsste er immer noch nicht, wie viel der unteren 50% unter seiner Budgetobergrenze von bspw. 25k€ liegen. Theoretisch kann das alles zwischen 0% und 50% sein. Da wären neben dem Median noch mehr Informationen über die Verteilung nötig.
Ich sehe schon, die Nebenbemerkung mit der Verzerrung hätte ich lieber weglassen sollen.
Extreme Ausreißer, ja. Daher hatte ich den Median ja auch vorgeschlagen.
Wenn aber über 50% der gebrauchten E-Autos teurer als 40k€ sind, wird auch der Median so hoch sein.
Das Szenario kann ich voll verstehen.
Bei mir selbst ist es so, dass ich alles unter 25km mit dem E-Bike abdecke und bei guten Verbindungen Zug fahre.
Wenn es dann mal Ausflüge mit der Familie gibt, sind es oft um die 150km eine Strecke. Das wird aktuell bei den meisten E-Autos noch knapp ohne Zwischenladen.
Sieht nach einem schlüssigen Ansatz aus.
Welchen Zeitraum hat du denn für den Vergleich angenommen, auf den sich die % am Anfang beziehen?
Wenn der Wertverlust des eigenen Autos in den ersten Jahren so groß ist, sollte Leasing im Vergleich ja zumindest dann etwas besser dastehen.
Und neben dem reinen Wertverlust auf dem Gebrauchtmarkt kommt gerade bei Elektroautos noch dazu, dass es bei der Ausstattung und Technologie aktuell noch viele Innovationen gibt, die es attraktiver machen, ein neueres Modell zu fahren. Wenn ein eigenes Auto bspw. über 10 Jahre zwar günstig ist, ich damit aber vergleichsweise langsam laden kann oder wenig Reichweite habe, bringt das auch nicht viel.
Genau, der Median wäre in solchen Fällen etwas aussagekräftiger. Und auch da gäbe es noch eine Verzerrung durch den hohen Anteil sehr teurer Modelle unter den E-Autos.
If I remember correctly, that was the original idea of AWS, to offer their free capacity to paying customers.
Do you think that AWS in particular has this problem or Azure and GCP as well? I have mainly worked with DWHs in Snowflake, where you can adjust the compute capacity within seconds. So you pay almost exactly for the capacity you really need.
Not having to optimize queries is a good selling point for cloud-based databases, too.
It is certainly still cheaper than self-hosted on-premises infrastructure.
Do you mean that it’s still the case that more resources are allocated than actually used or that the code does not need to be optimized anymore due to elastic compute?
This is the right way
You might be right.
Cue the Sherlock theme.
Another hint:
“I don’t believe you heard us or Larian say that this was about parity in terms of parity.”
In another article it makes more sense:
"In terms of parity, I don’t think you’ve heard from us or Larian, that this was about parity,” he told Eurogamer.
But at least the subtitle must have been typed since there is an extra character in “f+ears”.
Coming from Germany, I don’t know if the traditional way to eat muesli is just adding yoghurt. Most people I know normally add fresh milk to it.
Personally, I enjoy my daily Müsli with vanilla soy milk (but I tend to be the only one liking that), fruit skyr (or yogurt), some oatmeal and/or crunchy granola, and most importantly, at least two kinds of fresh fruit, like bananas, peaches, apples, pears, or grapes. Without fruit, it just tastes bland.
Turing Machine is actually the only game on my wish list this year. It’s the perfect match for me as I love solving logical puzzles, work in IT and like to play board games instead of sitting in front of a display all the time. The Steam game Turing Complete was already a dream come true for me.
There is no impact on taxes as long as your Nebenverdienst is not higher than 520€ a month. You also don’t have to pay social security contributions in that case.
I live less than an hour away, so I’d be really lazy not to go there.
I think meeting there with friends is the best incentive for those who live far away.
Not yet. I usually don’t make a list until a few days before it starts. But maybe I won’t prepare anything at all this time.
I’m more focused on playing games for fun now, rather than getting the best deals like I did 5 years ago. The SPIEL is good for trying out games, sometimes even before release, or getting some exclusive bonus expansions, but not so much for getting cheap prices anymore.
Besides, I don’t want to add to my huge collection until I have more time to play games. So this time I may just go unprepared and see what looks interesting.
I totally agree. And I would add some of my favorite games like Outer Wilds, Satisfactory, or The Witness to the list that look great but don’t try to be realistic. Their art style only serves the purpose of their respective core gameplay.
Well, I’m not a biologist and even all my houseplants are constantly dying. For me, biology as a whole is confusing.
Nein, das ist nicht Ihr einziges Problem, was Demokratiefeindlichkeit angeht, wie dieser Artikel erläutert:
Warum Sahra Wagenknecht eine Gefahr für die Demokratie in Deutschland ist