Ich habe mich der Klage angeschlossen, bin gespannt, was daraus wird. Bisher gab es zwei Rundschreiben der Anwälte, eins zu Beginn der Kampagne, eins kurz vor Einreichung der Klage
Ich habe mich der Klage angeschlossen, bin gespannt, was daraus wird. Bisher gab es zwei Rundschreiben der Anwälte, eins zu Beginn der Kampagne, eins kurz vor Einreichung der Klage
I definitely agree, although really a LOT of non-Linux/(IT) guys use Chrome, some even Edge, if on Windows
Ah, thank you. I never got to actually play it yet…
I am sorry, but could someone please explain this to me? Looks like an old office with old monitors, but is the joke more than just “times have changed”?
I’ll tell 'em
But sadly, while the Ever Given incident killed no one directly (though maybe through rerouted shippings like medical treatments), in Baltimore people died because the bridge collapsed while they were on it.
That’s even funnier in German because the German word for “eggs” (“Eier”) is colloquially used as a synonym for testicles
Also nice, even though I didn’t have this in my mind when making the post
Yes! This is what I meant. (even though it doesn’t look similar in any way to the image of my friend, which reminded me of this meme)
Zumindest für die Erststimme mehr auf die lokalen Abgeordneten achten als auf deren jeweilige Partei. Bei Fragerunden erfragen, wie die jeweiligen Kandidaten zu Privacy/Datenschutz/Klimaschutz stehen und so Fragen wie Standpunkt zu Chatkontrolle, Vorratsdatenspeicherung, eID usw. Das wird meine Herangehensweise sein.
Edit: Typo
yay thanks now I know I’m not the only kind of tech, linux, open source, privacy and federation loving person which still uses stuff like BeReal
I’d love to see a federated — or first of all just in any kind open source — version of this. I really love their approach of making social media less addictive, but they’re starting to introduce some features which I think are counterproductive to their initial concept.
Since it is just a mobile-oriented product (for obvious reasons like needing two cameras, taking selfies, carrying it around the whole time) it might be hard to build something like that but I guess it would be nice.
I also have no idea how you would make something like that federated, but the approach might be like that the different instances are working as the BeReal timezones, so the BeReal time might be the same for all members of an instance.
Maybe someone is working on that, but I guess this will take some more years, because BeReal is not that popular for a long enough time…
I figured it must be a flower which is called by the name “bird of paradise”