lilypad [she/her]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • Har ikkje sett nok anime for å kjenne mange av disse bortsett fra de med hovedkarakterens navn i tittelen. Altså, Komis kommunikasjonsvansker må jo være Komi cant communicate, ikke sant? Har ikkje sett serien en gang men så nok reklamer da den først ble utgitt.

    Må si at lutesøster skremmer meg… Lutefisk e faen mæ nok, vi treng ikkje lutesøster! Og lutefisk er nesten bare en måte å spise bacon på, men hva ville man spist med lutesøster? (Jeg antar at denne er himouto umaru chan? En til som jeg ikke har sett men har bare hørt om)

    Men jeg må si, det viktigste med norske dubbinga er jo dialektene. Tenk hvor fantastisk han Sid var i istid, dialekten passa han perfekt. Da kommer spørsmålet: velg en anime. hvordan ville du tilpassa karakterene mtp dialektene?

  • This is really good but also some things I struggle with in there. I know i have to do some kind of corpo-speak esq shit, but like

    Para 2: Talking about yourself and selling your ‘passion’. e.g. “This role really attracts me as I am a self-described [industry] fan/nut/enthusiast. If successful, this role will help me deepen my industry knowledge and round out my aptitudes. The professoonal growth opportunities presented by [company] are compelling including its business connections, enthusiastic staff and positive reputation.”

    This is so hard for me, like I know its not lying but selling myself is something im really bad at lol.

    But genuinely thank you this is a helpful form to follow stalin-heart

  • Hear me out, a distributed dating app, so that everything happens without needing a server.

    Assume 1gb of free storage per device, distribute gzipped text-only profiles such that any given profile is constantly “on the network” (i.e. distributed via someone elses device if youre no longer connected, idk like distribute to 20 random devices, and then redistribute if the number of active devices drops below 5?), but have images hosted from your device so theyre only available if your device is currently connected. Have everyone set a “home location point” to avoid distributing via a device thats across an ocean or something.

    Basically, by using the app you’re contributing processing power to run the network. Idk ive never done or looked at anything like that before, but it sounded cool in my head. Plus text only profiles take so little space, you could store a lot of them in 1gb, especially if theyre like gzipped tarballs or something similar.

    Messages could be peer to peer. If someone messages you or likes you or matches with you, it forwards that info to your device or stores it on one or more devices in order to forward it once youre back on the network.

    Goal is to remove any profit motive from the app, so users instead of paying money pay with device processing power.

    Ok random thought over now. Ive never done distributed systems before so its probably a pipe dream or something impractical.