• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • So if Mark (believed to be the oldest Gospel IIRC) was like 20 when Jesus died, and then ~100 years later his story was written down. He was writing it down when he was 120? Seems more likely that Mark’s 3rd generation students wrote it down after they realized that nobody had even second hand accounts of what had happened. Right? Mark had a mixture of first hand (things he saw) and second hand (things he heard about from people that saw them) accounts, his direct pupils had second & third hand accounts (things Mark told them, and they learned through correspondence with other Christian witnesses), but after 100 years those guys are dying too.

    How do they compile all the teachings they’ve received? How much of what they were taught was Mark and how much was Jesus?

    It seems like not a good way to get the message out…

    Jesus died so that whosoever believeth in him shall not die but shall have ever lasting life… but don’t worry about like writing any of this down or anything for like 100 years. What does it mean to believe in him? I think that’s clear enough, we don’t need to elaborate.

  • I hear what you’re saying, but I think that as a human that thinks that democracy and human rights are like pretty important, it’s hard for me not to support the people I see opposing a system like Russia’s.

    And yeah I get that Ukraine’s democracy has problems, and Russia is probably not as bad as western media would have us believe, but I can’t believe I’m so deceived that democracies shouldn’t resist imperial aggression.

    It sucks that ordinary people get their lives destroyed, but we should blame Russia, and support Ukrainians in resisting.

    And yeah I know you didn’t say we shouldn’t, and yeah of course a lot of Ukrainians want the war to just end. I don’t know, it seems like lots still aren’t ready to give up.

  • I see lots of people are pointing out that these numbers don’t make sense. Here are some of my thoughts.

    I’m not an economist so I’m probably making some very basic mistakes but…

    GDP per capita is $76.3k [Google] Average household size 2.6. [Google] So GDP per household is $198.4k [Calculator]

    That is the mean productivity per household.

    But the median income per household is $75k [Google]

    So what happens to the $123.4k of productivity (198.4k-75k) per household that isn’t paid to workers? It’s in the outliers and is asset appreciation isn’t it?