Make sure your current TTL isn’t 24hrs at least 24hrs ahead of time… I’ve seen so many disorganized migrations have to get delayed due to the lack of forethought.
Post-human urbanite weirdo.
Make sure your current TTL isn’t 24hrs at least 24hrs ahead of time… I’ve seen so many disorganized migrations have to get delayed due to the lack of forethought.
Ah, so they are putting CentOS as a ‘test’ before RHEL. That sorta defeats the purpose of CentOS, but whatever.
Boooom Shaka laka
I thought Fedora —> RHEL —> CentOS, but I could be wrong.
Thanks, appreciate it.
Gimping: A Primer
The no-shitters keep it secret. Keep it safe.
Daaaaaamn. Too soon?
It’s just delayed shit posting.
Is this a fork in the stream, then at this point?
How has Cannonical support been recently? I used Ubuntu Server for a while, but never really needed to use my support contract, but my recollection is that it was fairly light.
If I’m reading this correctly, CentOS is no longer getting RHEL downstream code, essentially forking CentOS from RHEL. Not great news, but not suprising considering the IBM acquisition.
Not to mention CentOS stream is now essentially a fork of current code… total bummer. WTF.
First word that came to my mind.
Billionaire bloodline bludgeoned.
It’s the version of code we are running. Use ‘new’ until the dude can update our code.
Like a sneaker-net, but in space! I like it!
Oooooooh Jeez. I went to college in the sin cities and have been up to the boundary waters… I’d say you are one for sure!___
crAIyon, photo style - various prompts: