• 45 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023

  • Man I mean I should convince you not to go to therapy. Do you know how good that shit is? I swear, weed had NOTHING on the feeling of connecting with your emotions with a licensed professional to help give perspective to your life that you didn’t have before. Like I’ve had great trips on shrooms or doing stupid shit while drunk, but like, recognizing the places you need to grow while accepting yourself for who you are? Fuckin sick dude. It’s top tier shit. Expensive as fuck, but it’s so worth it.

  • I was mostly going with how you went at them for not giving an essay, and then responding with a shit fling, but now that you mentioned it, i think you should bring up what your username is on your first day of therapy to give the doc a better idea of the work they’ll have to do.

    Also therapy just really isn’t an insult. I’ve been in therapy for a decade and now my biggest problems are how many hearts I’m breaking each year.

  • The thing that stinks is

    A) the electoral college makes it so only 4 or 5 states really matter

    B) there’s an amnesia about trump from the never trump republicans. My dad is conservative but didn’t vote trump. He thought he was an asshole. Now my dad talks about how Biden is crooked, and the only reason people hate trump is because, and his words, “orange man bad”.

    C) puritanical leftists have valid reasons to not like Biden, but they are willing to blow up the system as they always have. I say puritanical because I know there are pragmatic leftists who exercise restraint in their actions.

    In 2020, the suburban vote was a critical win for Biden. I’m hoping for the best, but I’m starting to sit with the fact that Trump has a decent, if not likely, chance of winning in 2020.