Mom Nom Mom

I am definitely a llama.

🤫 🦙 ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

  • 32 Posts
Joined 11 个月前
Cake day: 2023年7月19日


  • Mom Nom Mom@nom.momtoGardening@lemmy.worldDahlias!
    6 天前

    That’s awesome! Good idea keeping mosquitoes away - I’m a friggen mosquito-magnet and get a new bite almost every time I go outside (and most of the lawn is kept tidy, but we don’t clean up all the long grass in the “lily garden” - yet)

  • It’s great that you got to keep the original plan, once the trees got a little bigger!

    But it’s really quite amazing how well hostas do, when given shade. We have so many (in the back) that aren’t even the same as any of the other hostas in our back yard!

    We had a similar (but reversed) situation - had a giant oak in the front yard when we bought the house. We put hostas in the shade - our front yard was full shade, so they did really well.

    A couple of years later, our oak got sick and full shade turned into part shade. Then we had to take it down, so the already stressed and crispy hostas - which had already stopped doing well - seem to be barely present in the front.

    We don’t have as many hostas in the front anymore.

  • Fantastic! Those are going to have so many beautiful flowers!

    That braided decorative grass is cool - way cooler than the regular grass that comes up in my flowerbeds! 😁

    But what is that short purple and white guy between the grasses, almost dead-center? 'Cause it looks nice too, but it’s hidden away! Lol

  • This is what my family (and a few friends) use. We have been using it for a while now because it just works. Also, the kids have never complained about using Conversations, or about using it only for us (like if you have that one family member who won’t leave SMS behind - we’re that guy, I guess), and we can make as many channels as we need for the house, the kids, with each kid individually, for our MTG cards, with our couple of friends that use it, etc…

    I don’t personally do the hosting, so I can’t speak to that. That’s the hubby’s thing

  • It’s always nervous waiting for stuff to come back, it’s like did I kill it with fall care, did winter kill them, etc.

    For real! I feel like I messed up my columbine somehow, but I don’t know what I did - or didn’t do! (Possibly related to dead heading, but I don’t know!)

    Good to see that it bounced back so well!