I don’t agree with speaker gooning dad on much, if anything, including his rationale for this request.
But, I do think it was a bad move from a policy and governing perspective to have a foreign leader touring our weapon factories that are supporting their hot war with a major geostrategic rival of ours.
I’m not saying this for domestic political reasons, or moral reasons, I think from a pure realpolitik perspective of someone who supports Ukraine, it wasn’t a smart move.
But, I could be wrong, maybe it helps Ukraine in the long-term, or maybe it has no impact at all. Maybe we’ll never know, I just know that doesn’t sit right with me personally.
Regardless, my personal feelings aren’t relevant to, and I genuinely hope this does end up being a net positive action.
I don’t know if the political affiliation of the employees matters in this context, but I would guess that people who work in the MIC would be significantly more likely to support Ukraine, MAGA or not.
Either way, I just don’t see the political upside to his visit, but I can see a lot of potential downside.
I can also see a world where in the end, it makes no difference at all, guess we’ll have to wait to find out either way.