The motive behind Jovanovic’s actions was reportedly her fear that motherhood would jeopardise her professional career as a lawyer for a prestigious car brand.
Fuck dude.
I know, I’m awful. At least I had the decency to edit out the last panels.
I think that makes it even better. Fucking dark, but still funny because we all knew right away what the last panel would look like were it there…
It makes the joke just that much more of an oof tho.
10/10 my friend
Ok I legitimately laughed at this. Well done, sir.
Please repost that as its own meme, this is gold!
WDYM “its own meme”? Comedy is all about context, and this meme is only perfect because it’s in the context of this story.
Generally sure, but I think part of the context that makes this funny is the meme format itself, which is why I think it would also work without the context of this post.
What the fuck
Sounds pretty awful, but remember that prosecutors don’t have ESP. So “prosecutors claim she didn’t want to jeopardize her career” is not the same as “she didn’t want to jeopardize her career”.
It’s not like she wrote in her diary “Today I killed my newborn because I thought it would interfere with work.”
Yea I don’t think many are as focused on the motivation part as much as the lady defenestrating a fuckin baby.
That’s fair. Pure unfounded speculation: I wonder if there was an element of post partum psychosis.
My guess: didn’t know she was pregnant until very late. Options were dwindling or nil. She was completely and insanely career obsessed and career-anxious.
Arrives the last month or two. Pregnancy is hard to ignore then, but it was probably daily terror and panic as she didn’t know what to do. She probably felt cornered, insane with anxiety and barely holding it together in a field that doesn’t give you any room for error.
By the time she has to deliver, her brain is likely already pure soup from the anxiety, obsessing with how she can’t handle it, how it can’t be happening, how she can’t be a mother, doesn’t want to be a mother, can’t - not doesn’t want to, but can’t! CAN’T you understand?! - stop to work.
So she delivers secretly. By this point she’s too far gone, mentally a complete mess, insane, unstable.
So she kills her newborn.
Not as a heinous premeditated act of hatred, violence and mischief, but as a completely insane act of post partum depression, psychosis, work related anxiety and sheer craziness.
She didn’t choke or shake the baby then dug a grave at night - she didn’t do some elaborate crime and elaborate body-hiding shenanigans.
She threw. The. Baby. Out. Her. Own. Window.
And she’s a lawyer.
There was no attempt whatsoever to not get caught or to act surreptitiously.
Just pure terror, psychosis and a horrible, tragic impulse that ended up terminating a new life and ruining another.
Sorry i got carried away lyrically lol.
Yeah the title doesn’t mention that she gave birth in secret and threw the baby out her window 10 minutes later…
German-language media says that she claims to not have known that she was pregnant, her Internet search history showed she likely did. Defense said that she was traumatized and had suppressed that she knew. Psychiatric evaluation says she was fully accountable. It’s kinda obvious that there was something very wrong going on, though.
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Gee do you think?
" Hoech claimed Jovanovic was unaware of her pregnancy and overwhelmed by the sudden birth."
How can one unaware of her pregnancy until give birth ?You think you would notice missing 9 periods, having your entire nipple area change color and produce milk, need to go pee every thirty minutes, feet swelling, rapid temperature changes, focus problems, food cravings, vomiting for three months, odor sensitivities, not being able to tie your shoes, weird fast reflexes, urge to take on home repair projects, and skin changes.
But I am positive someone here will tell me about their friend’s cousin former yoga instructor’s roommate who didn’t notice for some reason and act like this is the norm
It’s not the norm but it’s also not unheard of.
No joke I have a friend of mine who just went to sleep one night and woke up with a baby covered in blood crying on her bed, umbilical chord still attached… Glad she doesn’t roll over in her sleep
Now there’s a word you don’t get to use very often!
Unless you follow Russian news!
“Funny” list to look at if you are bored–2024)#Suspicious_deaths
Lots of uses of the word “window” in there
I know. I need eye bleach after reading that headline.
What the fuck I just read ?
This just sounds like post partum depression to me.
Post partum psychosis.
I can’t even begin to understand what it’s like inside a woman’s brain after childbirth. My wife struggled through it and came out ok. I’m glad I could help her.
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You’re all rational and empathetic about this smh
That’s definitely how I try to be! 😊
As fucked up as this is, there’s so little information given by this article that I can’t even form an opinion on it.
My current take is babies should not be thrown out of windows
Sure that was my initial impression too, but I think I am going to sleep on it and maybe take some polls or study the matter more deeply. Can’t be too rash when judging someone for tossing a baby out of a window.
Yeah, what if the baby was an asshole?
‘Who are we killing, I won’t do kids, that’s a rule, but the rule’s negotiable if the kid’s a dick.’
- Adrian Pimento, B99
Also it is really important that we consider all points of view. Maybe the pro-baby throwing out of the window side raises some interesting arguments. Let’s hear them out
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Fucking extremist!
You say that but it’s well known some of them babies are out to get ya
Feels clickbait but it got me going for a minute haha
You know what else I bet would jeopardize her professional career?
Also that’s murder, not manslaughter.
7.5 years of jail?
Ding ding ding we have a winner!
And the social consequences of course
Least psychopathic lawyer
Those speed runners find the weirdest bugs in the simulation
Holy fuck lol
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This is sad, and it’s a shame the prosecutors are only going to be interested in a conviction. This woman is obviously suffering, and needs medical help for her postpartum depression.
birth took place ten minutes prior to the tragic incident
Bro got spawn-killed
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She murdered a baby. She needs rehabilitation, help, sure, but it doesn’t get much worse than baby killing, imo.
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Terrible attempt at a straw man at the end there, 2/10.
Hmmm. It looks like Germany has fairly strict limits on the availability of abortion; it’s on-demand up to 12 weeks, but requires mandatory counseling first. It seems like perhaps expanding abortion access to on-demand up to the point of realistic fetal viability and eliminating the counseling requirement might–might–have led to a different outcome here.
I wonder if she had attempted to terminate her pregnancy prior to this point?
For the people saying that she should have just adopted the infant: that’s extremely difficult for someone to do, even if they know that they don’t want a child or are not capable of caring for it. I’ve seen multiple teens end up keeping children that they didn’t plan on, didn’t want, and had no means to care for, all because they couldn’t go through with an adoption in the end.
The government has called up an expert committee and asked for their opinion on potential reforms.
The report came in April, and it strongly suggests making it actually legal in the first 12 weeks (it is currently only decriminalized) and getting rid of the mandatory counseling. They leave it up to the lawmakers to deal with week 12 to 22 (where the fetus starts being able to sustain itself).
The government has not yet started on n implementing this, however.
If you can’t stand to give your baby up, you’re also not going to be willing to throw it out the window
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she threw one out of a moving vehicle.
Building. She threw it out of her apartment.
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I guess she didn’t think infanticide would hurt it? She’s clearly not a good lawyer.
Please give your children up for adoption instead, what the fuck
We need to make it so women don’t have to feel this way…I thought Germany was fairly progressive like that, but obviously not enough.
I mean sure but I think there’s a few extra steps between “feeling” this way and fucking doing it.
You can give someone access to all the help they need, but if they don’t seek it out, there’s not much you can do about it. It sounds like post partum depression may have played a role, that is real, but you can’t force someone into treatment.
She threw the baby off the window 10 minutes after giving birth.
Spawn killer
I hope you’ll agree with me that there are alternatives before throwing your newborn baby off the window as if it was a fucking napkin.
Even abandoning it in front of a church is more humane than what this bitch did.
Don’t know this lady’s story. But post natal psychosis is a real tragic thing that can happen. This isnt the action of someone possessing their faculties.
Why when abortion is available would you carry to term -and then so impulsively act? If for whatever reason she didn’t want the baby and couldn’t get the abortion, she had months to come up with a better plan than ‘throw it out a window’. Either she was undiagnosed with something the whole time, or the birth triggered a psychological episode imo.
Who throws napkins out the window?
Strictly speaking it is not as bad as throwing a baby out of one.
Yes, she’s obviously seriously disturbed, but the situation of women either having a career or family is the driver behind her actions. There needs to be systematic support so women can have the same opportunities as men.
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Literally why she did it, but bring on the downvotes. Fuck this place is getting like Reddit.
I think that’s just what the prosecution alleges at this stage.
Just making stuff up and misinterpreting the headline without reading the article. You’re right, this is like Reddit!
No amount of progressivism can stop people from getting mental illnesses.
Interesting take. I wonder if the headline was:
“New Father and former Porsche Executive Throws Newborn Off Balcony”
Your first thoughts would be how the system failed him and that Germany needs to do more to support fathers.
It is a bit depressing how many guys in this thread don’t understand what pregnancy and childbirth can do to someone. Side effects may include: suicidal and homicidal urges. Google Postpartum Psychosis and Postpartum Depression.
Everyone is asking but why didn’t she act in a sane way and give it up for adoption? Well, there are good odds she needed something prescribed to her to allow her to be sane. Pregnant people’s bodies are undergoing major chemical changes, labor opens the floodgates. Which is why it is very important to make it easy and stigma free to let everyone out of the queue who does not want to ride the ride, and make healthcare accessible to those that do.
Not sure what your point is.
Their point is to call out the sexist take in feigning sympathy for a child murderer when we all know the world wouldn’t do that shit if it was a man.
Just brainless strawman shit then.
Calling out sexism in society isn’t strawmaning.
Lmfao when men have to go through childbirth and have post partum depression then you’ll have a point.
Until then, have fun winning arguments you made up in the shower you goof.
Men can go through those things.
And what about women who never have children?
What a terrible argument you’ve presented.
You aren’t calling out sexism, you are just inventing situations to get angry about.
Pretty sure it’s “fuck feminism”. I’ve seen this plenty of times before.
I’m not sure she’s actually wrong in the part about it Jeopardizing her career, because let’s face it sometimes that’s true. However did that not occur to her before she had the child? Surely she should have known that and not had a kid if that was her main priority.
Or, she’s a lawyer for a luxury car company…
So hire a god damn nanny?