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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2024


  • There are intelligence briefs

    Those arent worth the cost of complicity in israeli crimes and 80 years of making literally billions of muslim people angry at us. We are destroying the entire western alliance with this and it will lead to the fall of the UN, wars, Global loss of soft power for the US, and probably the state of Israel nuked. I’d guess the middle eastern people would prefer to live next to a smoking radioactive crater rather than a group of violent criminal psycopaths. Its aimple human nature to eliminate such threats.

    This “intelligence” is not worth even a small portion of that cost. And are you suggesting that feeding the endless military industrail complex is in US interests? it isnt. It only benefits the rich. The rest of the world finds other things to do with their industrail output besides creating bombs that kill and massively pollute.

  • The Jewish people have the right to a home state as facing antisemitism has been a distinct reality

    No. They dont. And stop pretending that the zionists speak for all jews. They do not now and never have. There is no threat to global jewery except from the theiving and murderous actions of the zionists. No one cares about the jews, they do however want 2000 years of zionist criminality and terrorism to stop.

    There is no “right” to steal other peoples land and kill them if they wont get off it. There never has been. This round started in 1947 when that “right” you describe was rewarded with land by the UN, to be equitably shared with the current inhabitants. The UNs pity party for the nazi’s crimes is long since over. Take it up with right wingers if you have a problem with the fascists, but dont claim a “right” from the rest of us that doesn’t exist and never has. Your philosophy is simple troglodyte thievery and religious entitlement, nothing more or less.

  • 100% agreed. There are no US bases in Israel except a single radar base in the negev with 12 people in it, and a desk inside an israeli military base with 2 people in it. We dont even resupply our navy in their ports. It was big news in 2016 when we did it once. We have joint air bases just miles from the border of Israel and Jordan that we and Jordan and Britain operate our air force out of. Similar situation in Cyprus.

    We have no need of Israel as an “ally” at all, and they have never been useful in any of our military operations in the middle east. They are pure baggage and always have been. To add to that, all their nuclear material that they built their nukes out of was stolen from inside the US. They dont even bother to deny it. No one cares.

    The anger at the US by middle eastern people has always been about the abuse and colonization in Gaza. Bin Laden claims he attacked on 9/11 because of the injustcies in Gaza, but we all bought Bush’s idiot line that “they hate us for our freedoms”. But that colonization has never been necessary or right. Its always been in support of zionist religious land theft goals. We have middle eastern problems and conflict because the Israelis want to steal land. Thats the long and short of it.

  • Well rebel progressive scum, take comfort in the fact that she promised a “new way forward” which I assume no more of Bidens “red lines” on the war crimes we participate in that are ignored when they are crossed, and make no mistake, Henceforrth we will have “magenta lines” that we will all be very consternated at. She will have a new, stronger, grumpier way of readng Netenyahu the riot act! she might carry the pallets of bombs herself and slam them down meaningfully as they are delivered. (I mean, not too hard, we dont want the donors to notice) Watch out! Things are changing! Kamala knows us and will be the voice for *ALL Americans! Not just the donors!

    (*rules and restrictions apply. )


    Seriously though, about 60% of the US doesnt support Israels actions in this war and consider war crimes a top tier issue. the dems ignore that at their peril. Trump is not so far behind and they are rolling the dice on something that should be a slam dunk. Anyone notice Trump attacking the zionist Shapiro today? He’s trying to court the anti war voters. It wont be enough for me, but it might be the only possible vote for some people.

  • yep. I loved the obamas-- still do. I’d vote for M Obama in a heartbeat over Harris. But I wanted so much more out of them. There was No work on justice or cop problems and a continued erosion of civil liberties under Obama. And picking Biden as his vp was cynical and gifted Biden tremendous soft power that he didnt earn. The price for that turned out to be a whole lot of brown mans’ blood spilled, and a terrible erosion of the western rules based order and the concept of democracy, and its not over yet. I guess I’m happy Obama was as good as he was, but man, what a missed opportunity for Obama to brand away from the dem centrism that increasingly is simply republican-light. If you had suggested in 2010 that Bdien being president would result in a lot of dead non-whites, closed border, and Roe going down in flames, it would have been spot on 5x5 Bidens stated policy choices. He’s always been anti choice, pro-police-thuggery, and anti minority for 50 years, but so many dems are pretending he’s jesus christ returned.