Doch es soll privates Kapital genutzt werden. Nur das sich dann völlig überraschend das Wunder des privaten Kapitals in öffentlichen Monopolpositionen nicht zu besseren Dienstleistungen für weniger Geld entwickelt, sondern so schlechteren Dienstleistungen für deutlich mehr Geld. Fast so als ob Monopole oder Quasimonopole nicht durch private Profitmaximierer besetzt werden sollten.
Actually he did not. The whole “Jesus is the literal son of god” thing was invented by the churches some hundreds of years after Jeus was dead. In the same wake Jesus never spoke about the trinity, that god would have three aspects. That is also an invention of the churches to make christianity more palateable to polytheist pagans, in the same way that christmas was put next to the winter solstice and easter onto spring where it was mixed with pagan fertility deities, quite literally being named after the Germanic goddess of spring Eostre in Englisch or Ostera in German where easter is called Ostern.