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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • I don’t understand how they’re getting that out of this statement. His statement says it’s on Republicans to work with Dems to avoid a shutdown?

    Legislation: As you know, the FY25 Continuing Resolution expires on March 14, 2025–less than 5 weeks away. Senate Democrats are fully supportive of efforts by our Vice Chair, Senator Patty Murray to secure a topline Appropriations deal – the way the process is meant to function. Unfortunately, Leader Thune seems to have already abandoned regular order forthe appropriations process, instead choosing to focus solely on confirming the Trump nominees and pushing through the radical Republican reconciliation plan. Democrats stand ready to support legislation that will prevent a government shutdown. Congressional Republicans, despite their bluster, know full well that governing requires bipartisan negotiation and cooperation. Of course, legislation in the Senate requires 60 votes and Senate Democrats will use our votes to help steady the ship for the American people in these turbulent times. It is incumbent on responsible Republicans to get serious and work in a bipartisan fashion to avoid a Trump Shutdown.

  • Things like this fail all the time, it just always get 10x less press than something like this being proposed. There is always a fight even if it’s not televised

    They want you to believe they already have much more control than they do so you’ll comply in advance to things they actually wouldn’t have been able to force you to do. They want you to think they are unstoppable, but they get stopped all the time. They get slowed down even more often which matters a lot more than you think

    By courts, which they are largely still complying with at the moment. By various workers within government standing up. By local and state governments who are fighting back and passing laws to make their actions more difficult, etc.

  • We can look at individual foods themselves

    To produce 1 kg of protein from kidney beans required approximately eighteen times less land, ten times less water, nine times less fuel, twelve times less fertilizer and ten times less pesticide in comparison to producing 1 kg of protein from beef


    We can look at other modeling studies. Here’s a review of modeling studies

    Our review showed that reductions above 70% of GHG emissions and land use, and 50% of water use, could be achieved by shifting typical Western diets to more environmentally sustainable dietary patterns. Medians of these impacts across all studies [Including studies with just partial changes in consumption] suggest possible reductions of between 20–30%.


    We can also look at some specific modeling studies in specific countries. Numbers will slightly different from global picture since it is going to vary based on how much animal products are consumed there

    For instance, here’s one looking at France in particular

    Vegans’ diet emitted 78% less GHG, required 53% less energy and 67% less land occupation than omnivorous’ diet. These results are in line with several recent works documenting associations between dietary patterns and a set of environmental impacts (GHG emissions, land occupation, and water use) in modelled and observed data (8,10,20)


    Here’s another study modeling for Romania in particular (though does indirectly use some from numbers from Poore, Nemecek). Romania consumes roughly half per capita as somewhere like the US and still sees quite high reductions with removing all animal products

    With the reduction of 100% [of animal products in diets], the largest decrease is observed, equaling a total of 11,131,127 ha, reducing land use by 733,898 ha compared to the 50% scenario and by a total of 1,067,443 ha compared to the baseline. This represents almost the cumulative UAA of two large-sized counties in Romania, Arad and Timis


  • Expectations that it should be cheap drive up that consumption. Per capita consumption has gone up. It fundamentally can’t work at mass consumption and production levels we see today

    The process of producing animal products is inherently quite inefficient. It takes quite a lot of feed to do so at scale and you lose a lot of that energy

    That’s going to always push you towards factory farming at scale because it’s horrifying but more efficient resource wise (still many magnitudes less efficent than eating plants directly)

    For some examples, lets look at something like beef production. Your best case you would think of is probably something like only grass-fed production. But there isn’t enough land to support anything close to current consumption

    we find that a nationwide shift to exclusively grass-fed beef would require increasing the national cattle herd from 77 to 100 million cattle, an increase of 30%. We also find that the current pastureland grass resource can support only 27% of the current beef supply (27 million cattle), an amount 30% smaller than prior estimates
