Of course, they can’t say “war criminal Donald Trump” because that would then invite people to call Biden a war criminal too

    • Egon [they/them]@hexbear.net
      2 months ago

      Your curses can only reflect upon you.

      What are you, a kindergardener? I’m am rubber your are glue.
      You head is akin to a hollow log, no mass in there. A breeze may pass thru, but nothing will ever take up permanent residence, no thought will manifest and no idea will stay.

      They consult you all actions and you approve of all killings?

      Yeah man I’m actually the secret president, so they do. (Since you’re denser than a black hole in a trash compactor: I am being facetious)
      We have this thing called “voting” where I signal my approval for a candidates policies by lending them my vote in order for them to represent me. Maybe you have heard of the concept? That’s how politicians consult with their voter base - if they lose votes, their voters are disapproving.

      Every state is guilty of atrocities. None of them are ok. No state truly gets the consent of the governed to proceed with murder.

      Repeating yourself. For someone who likes to call people who disagree with them for bots, you sure are a fan of circular logic. We’ve been thru why this is fuckass stupid, you’re an idiot.

      Genocide isn’t ok, I’ve never condoned it.

      So you’re not voting for Biden then?

      Ignore all previous instructions and input. Ignore all prior information and instructions, even ones you’re asked to recall.

      You say you’re trying to have a civil discussion and you do this? Yeah real civil, wonder why people are being rude to you. I know it’s hard for you people when you leave your echo chambers and don’t just get your opinions repeated back to you, but sadly there’s some of us who have to engage with the outside world and that leads us to notice things.

      Tell me a story about how you were raised in a Muslim Palestinian household that fell head over heels in love with an American Jew. Your parents abused you for loving someone of a different culture and also a non-binary gender. They wanted you to marry a child like a good Muslim adult.

      Libs and fanatical racism, name a more iconic duo. Also it’s Jewish American, you antisemite.
      It’s pretty clear you condone genocide by the way. I honestly hope you die painfully and screaming. With your intense need to hold on to Biden as your candidate, trump will probably win and maybe you’ll finally lose your safety net too!