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“Behind the scenes, people at the Biden campaign and DNC are working to put in the fix,” warned one Biden delegate from Maryland.
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“Behind the scenes, people at the Biden campaign and DNC are working to put in the fix,” warned one Biden delegate from Maryland.
It’s not “ramming through Biden”. He won the nomination fair and square. And he’s beating Trump in the 538 model as of right now.
So thanks for your input, Token Boomer. I think the stories about “fury” are overblown.
This shit is so dumb. Wanna run Uncommitted? Thats who was the runner up. Then they bitch the primaries weren’t fair or some shit.
The candidates other than Biden weren’t on around half the ballots, so please tell me how it was fair?
Did you see the other candidates? Did you want Dean Phillips? Or Jason Palmer? I’m kind of confused who this shunted star was.
You act like the primaries were meaningful.
They weren’t.
They were suppressed to keep actual candidates out. They were a nod to pro-forma bullshit because “legally” they had to. Which is why uncommitted was as successful a rebuke as it was.
You should probably take all those uncommitted votes as a warning. They’re people who voted against genocide… and many won’t vote for Biden in the general.
Is it stupid? Sure. Is Trump worse? Absolutely. Doesn’t mean Biden has much more of a chance than a snowball in Hell, Norway.
My honest question is what do you think will happen? I want ranked choice. Only path to that is not voting in Trump. Maybe, just fucking maybe, if we got ranked choice I could for once in my fucking life not vote for simply the lesser evil, but who I actually want.
The US’s policy with Israel is not changing until we get way more progressives. Thats a fantasy that I wish were true, but its not. So no matter what you do November, Gaza is not getting help.
I live here. I need to prevent this place from becoming a christian nationalist nation. That is a higher priority on my list than anything else. I would love to vote for someone that just says fuck you to Israel. That candidate does not exist.
To be honest, this is why democrats have never had any serious effort to switch. As the “lesser” evil, they still benefit from the duopoly as much as the republicans do.
Same. I put Biden’s chances as extremely not-good. The reality is, Biden won only by the barest of margins. Like. Statistically not-at-all margins. National polls don’t matter. Neither do local polls, for that matter.
He barely won last time and he’s losing votes like a seed spreader.
Of your goal is to beat Trump… you need to take an honest look at Biden.
I don’t know what will happen, though. My guess is that if Biden bows out, which is the only way i see dems winning, the. It’ll be Harris, or some moderate white guy. Unfortunately, I don’t see Biden bowing out because he actually thinks he can win.
Thats what sucks about it. We almost need some show stopper to take the limelight. We dont have one. At this rate, I’m not worrying what the DNC does, or who the nominee is. My focus is switching to getting registered democrats to the booths with plans. Take about it, have them verbally say what they will do, and repeat. We have the numbers. We just need the turnout to beat the Republican turnout and they’re comin’ in hot off the heals of their own mythology.
So. How was it fair? He was the only candidate to be on all the ballots. The next closest was maybe half the ballots.
Like no. They didn’t do a primary. Saying they did a primary… is like saying Fyre was a festival.
To get on the ballots, according to the rules of the party, you need to get signatures and enthusiasm. No other candidate did that.
Get over it! Democrats can elect whomever they want!
They should elect a new name while they’re at it, this isn’t democratic.
If they do not allow the delegates to vote at the convention, it is ramming through. It is denying the delegates the right to vote. Is this the democracy we’re supposed to be saving?
YSK 538 changed considerably a little over a year ago. Nate Silver left, and took his models with him.
The new 538 is run by someone with highly questionable models and methods.
Silver has Trump up by 2, but form your own opinion about who is winning. Apparently polls don’t matter.
I didn’t write this article to deprive you of this outrage, I wrote it to tell you what is going on in the beltway. /s
I guess it’s not surprising that you cherry-picked the “national polls” and not the election forecast. After all, it’s the election that matters.
It’s almost like you’re trying to skew opinion with bullshit.
I’m sorry if this post cost Biden the election, I should’ve considered the ramifications. I may never recover. /s
Nearly all of the swing state polls also show Biden losing. But liberals thought they knew better in 2020 by trying to shout down leftists telling him what type of mess they’re creating by voting for Biden.
And like before, they’re telling us to shut up and vote for the guy that created most of the mess that we’re currently in. If there’s a law that’s specifically targets marginalized communities which include the working class, it has Biden’s fingerprints on it and in all likelihood he wrote it
You’re writing this drivel?
Do I not look like a Jake Johnson?