anyone else going? planning on hitting up anything specific?

  • I have 4 pre-purchased tickets, but two out-of-state visitors had to back out because of a medical situation. Our other close friends are out of town the entire time. My wife is not a fan of crowds but promised to go with me this year; so I’ll probably end up going 3 times, twice alone.

    Which will be fun, I think. There’s so much food I never get to try, because I can eat only so much in one day and I tend to prioritize favorites. This year, I’m going to get to try new stuff!

    • m_fOPM
      26 days ago

      Going alone can be nice, depending on what you want to see/do vs what other people want to see/do. My mother isn’t a fan of crowds either, but makes an exception for the state fair.

      I’m going to try new stuff like the indigenous food lab that the other commenter mentioned, but yeah, I’ve also got favorites that I save room for. In my case it’s the fry buckets, and the earth wings at French Meadow.

    • dumples
      27 days ago

      I always only end up trying 1 or 2 new things (or at least new to me things) each year. I love my classics and only have so much stomach space