Hi, i currently use iphone and planning to switch to android.

I have a question to degoogled users, how do you pay for apps like minecraft? Is it possible?

  • @aexiruch@lemmy.ml
    73 years ago

    IIRC there are non-google app stores from amazon and samsung, but to me using them would defeat the whole purpose of de-googling in the first place, so I stick to the f-droid “store” where all apps available (which is few, compared to what the walled gardens offer) are free (as in both gratis and libre, though some still have “anti-features”). Some of them accept bitcoin donations, etc. Regarding minecraft in particular, there is a clone called freeminer available, but I haven’t tried it.

    • @hellojack@lemmy.mlOP
      53 years ago

      Thank you for reply! I found many alternatives for app im using now, but i may just keep using iphone for proprietary apps.