Oh, by no means am I trying to be “both sides”-ing, it’s very clearly one side in the wrong trying to pull everyone off a cliff, and the other “side” (usually just a bunch of people with no official support because it’s not profitable to go against the military industrial complex) trying desperately to prevent it.
I’m just getting as tired of hearing the phrase as I am “woke”
Gosh it’s just so annoying hearing about how we’re entering the final resource wars of humanity and people continuing to use the SPECIFIC FUCKING WORDS FOR IT.
The actual article in question: https://gulfnews.com/opinion/op-eds/in-the-long-run-wars-make-us-safer-and-richer-1.1325949
ITs jUsT wOkE fOr tHe oThEr sIde
Yeah, while you’re sitting there jerking off in the enlightened middle, “O’Brien”
This article is ten years old, you know, from when MAGA was putting itself together, but you can bet your ass that idea is alive and well.
Oh, by no means am I trying to be “both sides”-ing, it’s very clearly one side in the wrong trying to pull everyone off a cliff, and the other “side” (usually just a bunch of people with no official support because it’s not profitable to go against the military industrial complex) trying desperately to prevent it.
I’m just getting as tired of hearing the phrase as I am “woke”
Gosh it’s just so annoying hearing about how we’re entering the final resource wars of humanity and people continuing to use the SPECIFIC FUCKING WORDS FOR IT.