While I don’t expect or hope to ever need it, as an American, I would like to be prepared to resist as much as necessary if needed. It’s looking like it might be needed at some point here.
I’m looking to get a rifle or two for that specific purpose just in case. Can anyone recommend specific brands/models and/or features I should be looking for? I’m disabled in a way that limits my ability to hold anything heavy, so lighter weight is good. I have a revolver, but that’s probably not the best for standing up against a repressive regime.
I plan to train with whatever I get, of course. Thanks in advance.
Edit: There way too much information here for me to reply to it all individually, but I would like to say thank you to everyone for your very helpful responses.
I mean, a shotgun is going to be the best for home defense; even a double barrel carriage gun would be comfortably light.
But your point is on the nose: this isn’t for home defense, it’s for insurrection, and unless OP plans on training as a sniper, bolt action is a poor choice. Heck, a lever guide gun would be better.
But, as little as I like ARs, for the purpose they’re looking to fill, some AR 5.56 is probably best. ARs come in all flavors, but .223 is cheap and plentiful, and you look at Creedmore or Blackout, or other exotic calibers if you know what you’re looking for and you already know 5.56 isn’t it.