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  • wicked82 [ Ohio ]A
    1511 months ago


    Ohioan here… I too am a recent reddit refugee… anyone else having digg deja vu?..

    Likes: Nerdy things, Video Games, Animals, Ohio sports teams, Music, Traveling

    Been on Mastodon for a few months (suck it twitter) and with Reddit’s recent money grab figured I’d check out other parts of the fediverse.

    • @FrancesTheMute
      411 months ago

      Was not around for the Digg exodus, but I’m hoping this will be the historic Reddit exodus. I had felt this would be coming, especially after hearing about the Reddit IPO. Unfortunately these things always turn products to shit. And here we are. Hoping we can all reclaim the internet. Feel I’m living the cyberpunk dystopian future when I jump online nowadays. Reddit was my last internet refuge. But I had to leave. I was a dedicated Apollo user and have to take a principled stand after what they did to Selig. Reddit account deleted and excited for what the future holds for Lemmy.

    • @oatscoop
      210 months ago

      I was also a Digg user that fled to Reddit. Hopefully the decentralized nature of this places keeps it from getting ruined by greed.