it’s very much borrowed from one of the reddit subs i frequent(ed) often, but the idea is to share what we’re playing weekly and hopefully create discussions around those games (or simply have a sort of “check-in”).

    81 year ago

    I got Tears of the Kingdom for my birthday, so I’ve been enjoying that this week. I’m thinking about picking up Ozymandius on steam at some point for a nice 4X-Lite game.

    • pushka
      41 year ago

      Zelda-tears for me - it’s been out for 21 days and I’ve played for 70 hours @__@ but I feel like I haven’t really gotten far through the whole game, and I want it to last forever, it’s the best <3

        31 year ago

        I’m really enjoying it! Unfortunately, I’m back at work on Monday, so I’m not sure how much more I’ll get to play for a while.