When you create a community on Lemmy you automatically become the mod of that community. Is that stopping you from creating one? If so, which communities would you like to see here?

  • @FormerGameDev
    1111 months ago

    fwiw, as long as the user count is quite low, it’s probably better to start with more general topics, and then break it down further as usership increases. just a thought/opinion on community building

    • SmokeInFog
      11 months ago

      🤔 That’s a good point, and has me ruminating on my recently created community for the Kitty terminal emulator. Right now my plan was to try and make a post a day on why I think people should find kitty interesting and hoping to grow it that way. What I really want though is for it to be a place for people to ask technical questions about how to do or fix things in their own workflow. Maybe I should’ve waited to see those questions coming up in the technology communities (although in this line of thought you’d probably want to wait until there was a /c/linuxterminal or /c/commandline created first)

      • @shoeless
        511 months ago

        Maybe start with a general linux sub at first?

        • SmokeInFog
          211 months ago

          I’ve already joined some, I’m not sure there needs to be another one atm. In fact I see that that I’ve already one for Mint that I’d forgotten about, lol, so I guess I might just need to be more observant 🔎