Welcome! Feel free to introduce yourself here in the c/main channel if you’d like.

  • ArgentCorvid [Iowa]
    2 years ago

    HI! I guess I’ll just c/p my Masto intro in here…

    I’m argentcorvid most other places (not Instagram though, that person is not me) I hang around on metafilter and reddit I don’t plan on posing much.

    American living in Rural Central Iowa (Marshalltown-ish). I don’t really post much. He/Him, 2 kids, currently catless.

    ADHD, and in typical fashion I am a serial hobby-haver. Currently collecting and refurbishing Vintage Coleman Lanterns, other interests include Home Brewing, cooking, smoking, motorcycling.

    currently working as a Product Development Testing Technician (that means I break stuff on purpose) for a large company. Before that I was in the Navy.

    edit: my mastodon is @argentcorvid@mstdn.social