• Evan
    132 years ago

    Whenever I hear web3 I want to jump off a cliff. Seriously. I love decentralization, I am currently developing an indie web platform, but crypto makes me irrationally mad. I have never been so fired up at anything. If the web becomes primarily crypto based, I will quit my job and become a ski instructor. Fuck Ethereum, the drug cryptocurrency. Fuck Smart contracts and fuck all the people who manipulate people into NFT scams. Fuck all the people who fell for NFT scams. I just want it to be over. Now back to sdf. org

    • @Whom@lemmy.ml
      52 years ago

      Crypto is so infuriatingly good at hijacking the language of decentralization and web liberation while doing its very best to destroy what little of the internet actually is still free.

      Its greatest strength was tricking the people who do (or did) actually care into working against their own interest.