• poVoq
    32 years ago

    Speaking of aesthetic values and stylistic choices: you speak way to fast in your video making it hard to follow the finer points and also using what sounds like a whiny teenager voice for quoting other peoples text is a very questionable stylistic choice.

    As for the content of the video itself… I don’t really get the point of nitpicking on details when the very idea of what you are critiquing is to be broadly defined to serve as an entry portal for getting people to re-think their approach to (urban) lifestyle.

    • @Tomat0@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      The voices weren’t intentional, I just asked for friends to do the voices separately to distinguish from the main thread of the argument, not much I can do if their voices sound a certain way.

      I don’t see how it’s nitpicking when these are worlds meant to be imagined, and part of that involves thinking about/immersing oneself in the worlds. Re-thinking urban lifestyle involves thinking about these aspects.