When life gives you a deer cadaver…

“It turns out – if it’s on your private land (the City of Livonia) won’t come collect it, but if it’s on city property, they will,” [Livonia resident Laura] Engelland said. “So we helped drag the poor guy to the street.”

The issue of dead deer in yards has become a common one. To address this, the City of Livonia recently released a memo emphasizing that homeowners are responsible for managing the disposal of deer carcasses found on their property – which aligns with the policies of many other municipalities.

Can you imagine the scene?

  1. A deer dies for whatever reasons on city property.
  2. It’s reported by a concerned resident.
  3. City workers then silently drive to the site at 3a.m. and drag the cadaver into an unsuspecting random resident’s yard or lawn.
  4. Pranked resident calls the city.
  5. City says “it’s your problem.”
  6. Punked resident and friends drag the cadaver out into the street.
  7. GOTO 2

But remember, kids…this is America, where the enterprising among us see opportunity where mere mortals see city apathy, maggot farms and carrion-eating scavengers and vermin!

As a result, Gary Cornellier with Respectful Removal LLC found his niche. He disposes of dead deer for a living.

For 10 years, Cornellier has been removing the carcasses himself – and he’s busier than ever.

TBH, I’m not slamming the guy; he got disgusted repeatedly seeing the roadkill and no municipal assistance. My beef (or venison in this case) is with the City of Livonia and other cities that shirk their civic responsibilities.

Seriously, as I personally have not had the unpleasant experience…

  • How does your municipality handle such situations?
  • Wouldn’t you expect that carcass removal be part of a municipal responsibility to its residents, like garbage disposal or animal control?
  • raoulraoulOP
    1 year ago

    UPDATE: Due to the nature of Lemmy, most of you will probably never see this but I wasn’t sure it merited a new post either, so…

    According to a similar article over at wxyz.com, Livonia City Councilman Rob Donovic says city officials aren’t able to come on private property no matter the circumstances.

    “It is your responsibility as a private property owner to remove that deer from where it is in your yard to the road and we will come pick it up free of charge,” says Donovic.

    Fair enough, I guess. The City of Livonia, in my mind, is not remiss in its municipal duties, although it could be difficult dragging optimistically 88 to 198 lbs of dead doe. The city will dispose of any deer carcasses—most likely the animal control department—and like garbage pick-up, ya just gotta put it curbside then notify city services. Lets hope it’s a timely pick-up on their part or dead deer isn’t going be Livonia’s only wildlife problem.