Hello community! I’m curious about what y’all favorite long tracks are? By long I mean 10+ minutes (that is at least long to me with short attention span normally). For me it’s The Past Is A Grotesque Animal by Of Montreal (linked)

  • kvn
    2 years ago

    Excellent pick with the Of Montreal track.

    One song that immediately came to mind for me is 2112 by Rush which runs about 20 minutes.

    Also when I think of long songs I often think of post-rock music and Godspeed You! Black Emperor is one of my favorite post-rock groups. Their album Asunder, Sweet and Other Distress is technically 4 tracks running about 40 minutes but before those tracks existed on an album they existed as 1 song that they would play live called Behemoth. So I often consider that album to be 1 song.