I’m finishing up Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Might play Blasphemous next.

Looking forward to whenever Nintendo releases BOTW 2 ahahhaha

Discussion questions:

  1. Who are your favorite video game characters?

  2. What are your most anticipated games right now?

My answers:

Frankly, probably Super Mario as generic as that sounds, even though he technically doesn’t have a character.

Also, probably BOTW 2 and the Warhammer 40K CRPG by Owlcat Games. There’s probably more, but that’s all I’ll say for now.

Also, shameless plug-in for a Discord server that me, BayArea415, and some good friends created:



  • Ratto
    2 years ago

    I’ve just download MH:Rise Sunbreak so will be going through that soon.

    (1) Favourite video game character is Tails from Sonic. Or at least how he’s characterised in Sonic Adventure.

    As a kid and even now I always struggled with lack of confidence, self doubt and just wanting to be accepted and make others proud.

    Tails’ character growth in Adventure 1 was very centered around learning to be proud of himself, what he can accomplish and the things that he can do others can’t which make him just as valid and special as anyone else. Essentially learning to be confident and proud of himself.

    Well at least that’s what I resonated with as a kid so he will always be my favourite.

    (2) BOTW2, Dragons Dogma 2, Silksong and maybe Sonic Frontiers.

        • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
          42 years ago

          We morbed him real good!

          Jokes aside he is tough. We run Hammer, GS, and CB so we had a good setup to get in lots of stuns and tail cutting.

          • Ratto
            12 years ago

            Awwh I’m jel, I’ve had to solo all the games since freedom G 😭 sans a few events mons like worlds alatreon and fatalis.

            • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
              12 years ago

              I could dm you my friend code if that wouldn’t be weird? I pretty much only play Monster Hunter games and very occasionally some other random game in-between releases. Don’t have much time outside of that for anything else.

              • Ratto
                12 years ago

                Awwh I’m so out of practise (not played since finishing the rise main post game on release) and I’m so shy on mic but if I get end game in sunbreak (which might be a while with work etc) I’ll drop you a dm 😊

            • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
              12 years ago

              Yeah I still do lots of play with randoms but one time during MH World some randoms adopted me and now I also have a few, less random, randoms to play with. Lol

              They added a bunch of companion quests which are solo only which is neat. Some of them have pretty good AI.

              • Ratto
                12 years ago

                Awwwh how cute! Yeah I don’t mind running with randos when I don’t have to worry about carting but for a lot of the end game stuff it’s usually less frustrating to go it alone than with randos.

                My favourite rando story is when a load of Japanese guys and they were playing silly buggars on mic shouting “gaijin” etc so when I clutched out Apex Nergigante after they carted they were silent lol and then I jumped on mic and was all “baka gaijin ja nai desu” and they just started screeching as the Misson complete screen came up. Absolutely priceless.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      12 years ago

      I forgot that Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a thing now or will be.

      Also, I gotta say: Sonic Frontiers doesn’t look that bad like many people say.


      • Ratto
        22 years ago

        I can’t believe its finally getting a sequeal!!

        It looks better than what I expected but it’s not sonic adventure 3.