I’m finishing up Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Might play Blasphemous next.

Looking forward to whenever Nintendo releases BOTW 2 ahahhaha

Discussion questions:

  1. Who are your favorite video game characters?

  2. What are your most anticipated games right now?

My answers:

Frankly, probably Super Mario as generic as that sounds, even though he technically doesn’t have a character.

Also, probably BOTW 2 and the Warhammer 40K CRPG by Owlcat Games. There’s probably more, but that’s all I’ll say for now.

Also, shameless plug-in for a Discord server that me, BayArea415, and some good friends created:



  • TheKanzler
    82 years ago

    I’m playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles and trying to complete Persona 3 FES

    I’m planning on finishing Persona 4 Golden, too. Last time I played P3FES and P4G, I messed up my fusions by the end, and ended up very underpowered

    1. Sonk Hechoeg

    2. Maybe BoTW 2, but I haven’t kept up with news on it. I’m waiting for the update to WRSR that adds Cosmonaut difficulty

    • Tempo
      42 years ago

      I need to go back and finish some of the Personas. I played 3 Portable and 4 Golden about 10 years ago but never got around to finishing 3 (and got the worst ending in 4 despite playing on the easiest difficulty - I’m really not very good at grindy-ass RPGs).

      I might just lock myself in for a few days and just power through one of them. It’s probably the only way I’ll ever beat these sorts of games.

    • Ratto
      42 years ago

      I limped through the final vanilla dungeons of 4 but found the golden extra bits really manageable weirdly.

      I didn’t get half the confidant or quests done which is my biggest sin because I was too busy grinding to best the G*mer boss. Fml I didn’t tackle that game half as well as I did 5.