She wants to go shopping. I tell her that I just want rice. She ignores my request and buys spicy food, which I can’t eat because of reflux.

She keeps buying food that only one person will eat, when I tell her to buy food that everyone can eat, she just changes the topic and doesn’t listen to me.

Her behavior is degrading my socialist values. :/

  • AmiceseOP
    72 years ago

    Thing is, no one does. I should be cooking away the older foods, but she doesn’t seem to want to cook them.

      2 years ago

      my mom is like that too. and my parents think I’m weird when I say we should get a big freezer and when I try to freeze stuff I’m not going to eat immediately.

      If she gets weird stuff try cooking it all together in a batch before it goes bad and freeze what you cooked. and try finding new ways to use the ingredients in snacks and simple stuff.

      • AmiceseOP
        32 years ago

        She doesn’t like me freezing food that “shouldn’t be frozen” though. She thinks it’s fine to freeze Salmon; but not tomato (as vegetables), Crabs, and eggs.