She wants to go shopping. I tell her that I just want rice. She ignores my request and buys spicy food, which I can’t eat because of reflux.

She keeps buying food that only one person will eat, when I tell her to buy food that everyone can eat, she just changes the topic and doesn’t listen to me.

Her behavior is degrading my socialist values. :/

    • AmiceseOP
      22 years ago

      Pisses me off. She’s yelling and whining about how I’m “wasting food”, yet when I tell her that she’s buying too much food; she dodges that argument and acts like I’m being negative all the time, then she even cried about how “she works so hard (as a small capitalist lmao)” afterward because “I was too uncaring”.

      And it’s not just her type that’s like this? This country (U.S) is a disgrace…