2 weeks ago I found out that “ADHD” drugs can cause permanent damage to the brain. (I’m pretty pissed. Imagine the goals I could have completed!)

I’ve been prescribed methylphenidate at age 10 and took them (intermittently) for 3 years.

  • Soviet Snake
    102 years ago

    I am not an expert and I am unsure on how bad do these cause permanent brain damage, but I am a junkie and can tell you while brain damage exists is not necessariliy something that will make your brain useless. I have done LSD with cocaine, cocaine with ketamine, the three together, while smoking weed and drinking booze, cheap meth pills, popper, I smoke weed almost every day and I binge drink on week ends and a lot of times during the week. Point is, it is impossible I do not have some degree of drain bamage, and while I certainly have met people who fucked themselves with drug abuse, it is a lot harder than what people think to fuck your brain. I can only expect a well prescribed, taken with moderation medicament will do better. I would contact your doctor to make sure you are fine, but I would not get depress over it. I mean, I think I can still produce some nice thoughts otherwise the up votes I get are the compassion for some deranged lunatic.

    • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
      62 years ago

      otherwise the up votes I get are the compassion for some deranged lunatic

      It could be a case of the deranged upvoooooting the deranged, SMH /s