For example: I want to see a story about an old man from the red army going to the dark side of the moon to kick nazi ass (Because that’s where they are hiding obvi). Just random shit like that, where socialist people, projects, themes, ideas, and histories are represented with pride and care. No hollywood anti-communist bullshit like Enemy at the Gates (excellent critique of that movie here by a fellow communist) and no stupid profit motive pushing artists past their ability or censoring their works unnecessarily to push deadlines.

    82 years ago

    That’s actually a good question. Sounds so simple on the surface, but the more I think of it, the more I realize how much of my taste in media (and what’s available at all) is shaped by the capitalist system.

    Perhaps a comedy that doesn’t make me want to claw my eyeballs out. Pop-sci series that isn’t steeped in liberal bias - a modern take on Walking with Dinosaurs perhaps?

    Perhaps a video game like Civilization, but without the cultural stereotypes?

    As I said - the question is harder than it seems.

    • Catraism-StalinismOP
      32 years ago

      Perhaps a video game like Civilization, but without the cultural stereotypes?

      Speaking of which, I would love to see Hoi4 and other such games without the liberalism, it would really come into its own