Progressives aim to reinstate equilibrium to state’s lopsided politics that DeSantis has, in the eyes of some, dragged into fascism

    2 years ago

    I see in the news and what I feel in my community are different as well. I live in a small city in central FL and there are pride flags everywhere.

    Your community sounds like it could end up in the crosshairs of the Desantis regime. You might want to see if there’s any sort of pride, leftist, or other social justice group unaffiliated with the Democratic Party.

    Every registered voter, every elected official, every volunteer, needs to start taking ownership and ask what they can do for the Democratic party, not what the Democratic party can do for them."

    A political party is SUPPOSED to serve MY political interests, that is the POINT of making a PARTY. If they want my support, they should actually campaign for it instead of asking me how I can serve THEM.

    If the politics of the party don’t align with my own, I will seek one that does. If that third party is structurally locked out of representation like it is in the US, I will seek to build support for the ideology in the community around me while voting for policies and candidates on an individual basis that support my political aims.