I’ve heard so many retellings of this event already. Both sides present their own cohesive version of the events that implicates the other side, and it’s hard to distill what the actual truth is. Obviously, two contradictory narratives cannot be right at the same time, unless they do not mutually exclude each other, but both sides present theirs as if there was nothing more to it. For example, the most recent anti-communist timeline I’ve seen was a one presented by Vox in one of their recent videos, but it is clear to me that they omitted a lot of key details (they for example did not mention anything about the Kulaks, instead choosing to label them a mere target of Stalin’s propaganda, thus implying they literally did nothing at all during the time, or claiming that grain was being exported out of Ukraine on purpose, thus once again supporting the genocide argument).

What I would like to see is a timeline that not only says things as they happened, but also addresses the many common misconceptions, rumors and lies. A few claims I’m picking from Wikipedia:

  • “rejection of outside aid, confiscation of all household foodstuffs and restriction of population movement” (intentional, or unrelated?)
  • “a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in Ukrainian history” (thus implying that it was an intentional genocide, since nothing, which is “the biggest”, could possibly be of natural origin, at least that is the implication here)
  • “the famine arose because of rapid Soviet industrialisation and collectivization of agriculture” (the exact opposite case of what is usually claimed in ML circles)

One would think that we’d finally get to the bottom of it, a hundred years later.

  • KomradeK@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Timeline of “Holodomor”:

    1930: Construction of Stalin’s comically large spoon begins…

    1931: The spoon is complete, Stalin is seen at Stalingrad Tractor Plant in a ceremony accepting the spoon from factory workers.

    1932: Stalin utilises dark redfash magic to create a draught in ukraine.

    1933: Using the comically large spoon, Stalin singlehandedly consumes all of the wheat in ukraine and beats the kulaks to death. 900 billion people die, the planet Earth is destroyed and the survivors are placed into the Matrix.

  • Rafael_Luisi@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    We have already, first, why the fuck you are taking anything Vox says in consideration? Second, the kulaks did that to themselves, imagine being so fucking petty you would preffer to BURN FOOD IN THE MIDDLE OF A FAMINE instead of giving half of it to the state? Third, the USSR haved 2 famines during this “holodomor” because of bad harvests and climate issues, not because of the colletivisation and industrialisation. Fourth, no serious country believes on this shit lol, if i remember well, there is like, just 20 countrys who thinks the Holodomor is real, compare that to the holocaust, who was an actual genocide that did happen and its univetsally recognized. Sixth, the holodomor was used by the extreme right winged people to demonize the USSR for decades, and it was the nazis who popularised it.

    Holodomor is a wet nazi dream used to demonize the USSR and Stalin and victimise selfish kulaks who where incapable of showing some humanity in the middle of 2 famines.