Pure genius. The arriving menace…the distant thunder of the tribe coming up over the hill. Cinerama for your ears. Said to be played by producer/composer/musician Mark Ronson before recording sessions…

[…]Ronson still plays Dog Eat Dog to new artists he produces as an example of what their music needs to live up to. [1]

[…]he finds that song extraordinary and that he plays it before every session to get into the mood. [2]

When-Showbiz-Is-A-Dirty-Word BONUS:

  1. https://www.classicpopmag.com/2021/05/album-by-album-adam-ant/ ↩︎

  2. https://louderthanwar.com/adam-ant-kings-of-the-wild-frontier-in-depth-look-at-an-album-of-pop-genius/ ↩︎