• TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Thats the thing right.

    Biden isnā€™t a vote for less genocide and its costing him the election. Your apologism doesnā€™t change that. He actually has to be a vote for less genocide for that strategy to be effective and thatā€™s the point: he isnā€™t.

    My second point and why I put out that bait, is that you pretending heā€™s a better option isnā€™t helping Bidenā€™s chances, its making them worse. Denying the facts on the ground is why Democratic candidates lose elections. Its the constant gaslighting people have come to expect from establishment politics and it is turning voters away. Stop trying to lose this election for us.

    Biden shown himself to be a vote for ā€œas much genocide as the other guy, maybe moreā€. Its his job to fix that policy position and he canā€™t win without doing so. You apologizing for his shitty policy isnā€™t furthering his chances, its diminishing them.

    • xmunk@sh.itjust.works
      2 months ago

      Trump has advocated for Isreal accelerating its genocidal war - so heā€™s definitely worse. Biden also may cave to pressure as his base strongly objects to supporting Isreal while with Trump thereā€™s no chance heā€™ll back down from genocideā€¦ you may think itā€™s not worth holding your breath for Biden suddenly revising his position and thatā€™s fair - but these two are clearly not equally shitty.

      • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        but these two are clearly not equally shitty.

        Yeah idk. Trump did those things, but heā€™s also called on Israel for restraint. Honestly, he might even pull support because Bibi slighted him at one point in the past and he took that personally.

        Trump is a D20. You really donā€™t know what you are going to get. Biden is 4 D6ā€™s. Like regardless of how your roll, you know his support is going to be pretty unwavering. Heā€™s the most pro-Israeli politician, basically ever. More so than Trump.

        This is my point regarding the apologetics. Most people are projecting a kindness or a softening of Bidens policies that simply arenā€™tā€™ there. Bidenā€™ isnā€™t the candidate they pretend him to be. And its costing Biden the election, so the apologetics are working against Biden.

        There are thresholds that if Bidens support drops below, he steps out of the race. Shoring up a candidate who has no path to 270 is bad strategy, and right now, Biden has no path to 270. Its also becoming increasingly clear that heā€™s not going to shift on policy. Heā€™ll do some rhetoric, but heā€™s not going to change policy. He needs to 180 on Gaza to get Michigan and Wisconsin and these are ā€œmust winsā€ without which he CAN NOT win the white house. Like its actually not possible.

        So the question isnā€™t really about Trump at all at this point. Its about Biden. If Biden isnā€™t a viable candidate with this policy suite, then we need a different candidate. This entire thing is shaping up identically to 2016 where the idiots just keep jabbering on about Hillary being the best option when she actually wasnā€™t, instead of being willing to move their support to a more viable candidate. The people insisting that you had to support Hillary were the ones that cost us that election.

        • xmunk@sh.itjust.works
          2 months ago

          So the question isnā€™t really about Trump at all at this point. Its about Biden. If Biden isnā€™t a viable candidate with this policy suite, then we need a different candidate.

          I hate to be the bearer of shitty news but Americaā€™s election system is fundamentally broken. Personally, Iā€™m living in Canada now and the parliamentary westminster system is worlds better than directly electing an executiveā€¦ but in America the electoral system is what it is and we will be electing a new president in November.

          If Biden and Trump still draw breath come the election introducing more candidates (even the DNC officially backing someone else) would just result in a split vote and losing the election so these two chucklefucks are our options - Iā€™d love to vote for AoC or Bernie or hundreds of other people but they arenā€™t realistically participating in this election (and you can ask Bernie if you should vote for him as a write in if you want - heā€™ll explain pretty fucking clearly that you shouldnā€™t).

          So, itā€™ll be Biden vs. Trump and, if we look at what Trump did last term he may have been unpredictable but he was consistently awful - so itā€™s like rolling a d20 and hoping to get over a 35ā€¦ how awful heā€™ll be in any particular circumstance is unpredictable, but heā€™ll definitely be awful.

          I also disagree strongly with your assessment on how pro-Isreal Trump is - he did a previously unthinkable action in moving our embassy to Jerusalem clearly signaling opposition to a two state solution and, again, heā€™s shouting with a megaphone right now about how much he wants Palestinians to stop existing. I think you should really look closer at Trumpā€™s statements over the past six months - heā€™s demurred when itā€™s been politically advantageous to oppose democrats but he absolutely doesnā€™t give a shit about Palestinians.

        • DancingBear
          2 months ago

          Oh yeaā€¦ā€¦well, thatā€™s like, your opinion, mannnnn.

          I like the way you are articulating this. Thanks. I think I agreeā€¦. Whole heartedly

          I keep seeing all these blue no matter who folks who canā€™t accept that anyone would ever critique Biden. I donā€™t think it is helping Biden to live in such denial and straight up lie to people, and when that doesnā€™t work yell at them that Trump is worse.

          Itā€™s actually kind of pathetic and it makes me realize that I donā€™t have much hope for a Biden win right now. I want Biden to win, but I canā€™t see myself voting for him. Thankfully Iā€™m in Blue Coloradoā€¦. So I can vote for someone like cenk uiger (spelling) or Cornell west without worrying about our electoral votes going to Trumpā€¦ā€¦ but yea the swing states are super important

          And even outside of the swing states Biden needs to win by more than half because of the way the electoral college works, tending to favoring republican candidates by 5-10 % I believeā€¦.

          It preach on brother, very nice to hear articulate and consistent points of view and especially from your point of view

          • null@slrpnk.net
            2 months ago

            I keep seeing all these blue no matter who folks who canā€™t accept that anyone would ever critique Biden.

            Bullshit. You can scroll up this thread and see thatā€™s not the case.

            What youā€™re seeing is people saying to vote blue while also criticizing Biden, because the alternative is so much worse.

            Youā€™re somehow conflating that with people not accepting any criticism of Biden.